As a Catholic, I was deeply offended at the part when the young girl is describing what she called 'dead churches' and that their method of Christian practice will not bring Christ into their hearts. Moore makes things up, distorts facts, and splices scenes to make conservatives look bad. WE ARE LOSING MONEY VERY QUICKLY." However, there's an important discussion at this blog here:http://slaughteringthesheep.wordpress.comJust read about Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn, and all the others who are just like Becky Fischer! Rick Joyner; Bill Johnson (Bethel Church, Redding CA) Todd Bentley; Lou Engle; Brian & Bobbie Houston (Hillsong Church) Becky Fischer; Brian Simmons; Steve Shultz (The Elijah List) Michael Brown; Rod Parsley; More… John Kelly, Bill Haman, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, John Eckhardt, Jim Laffoon, Jack Deere, Johnny Enlow, Barbara Yoder, Charles Kraft, Bob Beckett, Che Ahn, … It also equips leaders and parents to equip children the same way. The thing about President Bush, they were praying FOR him, NOT with him. Becky Fischer has them all lumped together on one page! I can assure you there are MORE children who worship the Lord in a peaceful manner. I am currently watching "Jesus Camp" on Netflix. [citation needed] For example, in one scene shot at Christ Triumphant Church, a guest speaker brought a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush and asked several children assembled there to stretch their hands out toward him. Sad but true. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers I'm really happy that Becky Fisher closed her camps because I believe that shes absolutely crazy and is not doing anything good for those children. So it's NOT a literal army. Now this long story has a point. I'd like to point out a particularly disturbing comment she made following the release of this film...(from wikipedia)Fischer complains the average Sunday School is content to merely give them a roll-over of Bible stories for the first twelve years of their lives, causing them to lose interest in God and the church by their teen years, and opting out of the church culture as a result. As for her closing the camp, I think it's unfortunate that the property was vandalized. They are stronger. al. Zero tolerance is what Becky is teaching our children; and it is zero tolerance for anything that she deems non-religious. The first think I thought of was those 'Christian' soldiers in Iraq, who made a poster in Arabic that said: Jesus killed Mohammed. wow, lots of differing opinions here on the comment board. NO! I have since found videos on youtube of many of the NAR false teachers we sat under (Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker, Rick Joyner, Randy Clark, Kris Vallotton, etc). ...I cried. This movie really opened my eyes to how small children are easily brainwashed to believe what they are was really scary. The vandalization of the bible camp is pretty normal. They don't understand that concept yet! Also, they didn't hold stock with a lot of shouting and bible beathing in church. Public if they're going to heaven - - come on!! A show she absolutely loves . I hope it;s clear as it can get now.The thing about President Bush, they were praying FOR him, NOT with him. Faith is important to have but not as a crutch. You sat still, behaved yourself, and took the time to turn over what you were being told in your long as you turned it over the right way. They're going to change their perspective. Also, I hated that they were taught that Christianity is the only right religion...thats just plain ignorant and stupid. And they may even retain their original beliefs, but if they're really smart, they'll catch on pretty quickly that you don't get anywhere by disrespecting another person's belief system and forcibly inserting your own to replace it. If threats & vandalism must be used on someone like her, so be it! This article here has a plethora of links showing Joyner to be a false teacher. This is a small piece of a very big outpouring of the spirit of a really Big God. Some of them might attend missionaries in remote countries, where, again, they will not be in the least challenged to step outside of their carefully cultivated filter of the world. Today, I had the displeasure to watch this movie in school. If only W has really been there and the cardboard cutout had been in Washington for 8 years. [11] She stated, "As a result, we have a crisis in Christianity resulting in as many as 70% of our own children leaving the Church and never returning." All that is going to do is create another generation of repressed and fanatical people. [14] Fischer's ministry also adheres to several Pentecostal traditions and teachings such as promoting glossolalia or speaking in tongues, spiritual warfare, healing the sick, prophecy, raising of the dead, and exorcism from demonic possession. Gun & Jesus loving bunch of freaks. They trust almost ANYONE! If there is anything I have learned from this film is that Evangelical children are raised to discriminate, oppose those who do not share their understanding or belief of Christianity, and to wage war on those opposing. There are so many ignorant people in the world, and when people become fanatics of religion, wars and segregation between people happens. If they wanted to sensationalize, they would have. Do you see where radical religion has gotten us? He DID say to bring the children to Him, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. Bush was especially disturbing. In fact it is how i deconverted. Then they put it on the front of vehicle and rode it through town. In fact, she has used it as a tool to publicize her ministry and its work. [5], Kids in Ministry International promotes supporting the nation of Israel and Christian Zionism, a common practice within Evangelical churches in the United States. They don't even realize that Jesus was a Jew...a good Jew.The little miscreant who asked a black man if he really thought he was going to get to heaven ought to be boiled in oil for her ignorance alone. Becky Fischer (born May 31, 1951) is a Pentecostal children's pastor best known for her role in the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp. I do it think it is sad that Becky Fisher is closing her camp because the camp and the church have been vandalised. Other participants included Wagner, Haggard, Rick Joyner (a “prophet”), Reinhard Bonnke, Myles Munroe, Rod Parsley, and Joyce Meyer. Now, this IS a solely physical verse, but think about it... Jesus did not say to the parents, "Hand me your children! She is an effective children's evangelist, but she does not represent me. I'd like to know which 'facts' were manipulated by Michael Moore. Becky Fischer (born 1951) is a Pentecostal children's pastor best known for her role in the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp.. Fischer is a third-generation Pentecostal on her father's side and a fourth-generation Pentecostal on her mother's side. Photograph: Loki Films. Who cares...just a whole lotta white people who think they're gonna take back the country for Jesus. What you can do: First, pray! Everyone was too afraid to speak up during discussion time- they were shaken up by these young, susceptible minds being trained for, well, whatever the crap they were being trained for; she didn't make it all too clear.Firstly, let me tell you something, so that I don't sound like a complete douche. Other kids, even BOYS, were on the verge of tears. When I get out into the center aisle the preacher sees me and screams out my name. like this bible camp claims He wants. The Muslims already pointed that out, and the radio guy in "Jesus Camp" says: "We’ve been asleep at the wheel.". What I do remember is going to one of the churches revival meetings. go on youtube and search for darknessthecurse religion, he has four video's on this religious stuff and he proves that the lady is brain washing these kids minds. and s/he was brought up in a similar culture to that of the kids in "jesus camp." 14. I do not believe that this movie has a liberal spin at all. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I admired some of the fruit from these young children. You are a new generation of Hitlers!! Jesus Camp barely touched on all the "Turn or Burn' rhetoric that is shoved on kids. That doesn't mean that they're abused. When she says Tiger by the tail. _ When I read that I said, ^Jesus, I love you! if you came into my house. Fischer rented facilities for the "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devils Lake, North Dakota for four years. It recorded and pointed out some of the facts and that's it, all in what I think was a calm, lukewarm fashion.What the public reacted to was seeing those kids all worked up and crying. So, I have no position of authority over you; this post is simply MY OPINION, NOT the Lord's! These children need to be able to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated. But even that's okay, because martyrs are highly regarded and it will make them feel all the more persecuted and therefore, loved by God. Click to read more about The Morning Star Journal, Vol. When they started praying over the cardboard George Bush, I cracked up. America God loves us, he may not speak to you personally exactly the same way that he speaks to the believers depicted in this film, but my prayer is that he is heard when he does speak to you in the way he designed you to hear him. I was sadden by the reaction of the children. What I have a hard time with is all the unbiblical practices in Jesus Camp. And I'm also well aware that the film did not depict EVERY evangelical view, so I have no opinion of evangelicals as a whole. She is the author of several Sunday School curricula for churches and the book Redefining Children's Ministry in the 21st Century. 113-122). Rick Joyner. While that's unfortunate for the kids, it doesn't qualify as abuse in my book.The only thing that outraged me in Jesus Camp was seeing the homeschooled kid coached by his mother that global warming doesn't really exist, and that the world is just fine and we have no need to conserve our natural resources. Im glad christianity is on the decline and not because the bible said they would be. We are all God's children, and we are equal. If you look at the original Greek, He did not yell at the disciple or sternly command him; He gently said, "Put the knife away!". I know my place. With Foreclosures through the rough, I can g... Back in April I mentioned 3 "Summer Camp" documentaries that were coming out this year. I haven't finished it yet because I had to stop and let my brain process all of it. One memory I had was when Kris Vallotton (rhymes with "rotten") came to our "church" and regaled us with a tale where Michael the Archangel appeared to Kris and stood over his bed staring at him angrily. She & her camp are a menace to society! I think that's what happened in Jesus Camp as well--I got the impression that the scenes were heavily edited to make people look worse than they really are. Watching the kids in this movie, I see the same terror on some of their faces. I mean according to movies like "Jesus Camp" you can use Jesus to bless all sorts of things, overhead projectors, electronics, microphones. This movie (at times disturbing) is only one facet of the whole truth. The Kids in Ministry website includes teachings from prominent ministers, including Ted Haggard, Lou Engle, and Rick Joyner. After serving as a children's pastor for Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries in Wilkesboro, she returned to North Dakota to begin her own ministry, Kids in Ministry International. I haven't seen the film yet so I have no idea if it presents Evangelicals in a good light or not. My aunt went to secretly held Catholic services in 1944, a Christian flag wrapped around her body underneath her clothes. 1:00:00 Mindy Seta Bill McKay Bill McKay John McTernan Becky Fischer Michelle & Jordan Cook Ron & Glenda Pettey 1:30:00 Shane Warren Pat Schatzline Lindell Cooley Steven Brooks Joan Hunter Jonathan Cahn Mark Biltz 2:00:00 inSight with John Kilpatrick Rich Vera Misty Edwards Eddie James Sid Roth Francis Myles Guillermo Maldonado 3:00:00 Glory City TV Why Do Bad Things Happen Shira Sorko … The part where she says that Harry Potter is an evil warlock and that in the old testament he would be put to death. 11, No. I deconverted a few years after this movie was filmed. Please tell me they are not serious! Not one sibling is favored more than the other. Woman pastor? Now someone just needs to pop a cap in that fat bitch's ass, that crazy psycho hose beast has fucked up enough kids. I have a lot more that I would like to say but I will finish with the one thing in the movie that upset me the most. Closing her training camp was the biggest blessing that woman has ever given anyone! There has been an alarmingly increased amount of false prophets lately, and the bible states that this is a sign of the end times. He is awesome either way. Then they're going to move to the West Coast, get laid, and learn that this "sick-o world" they've been told about actually has a lot of beautiful gems that they missed before. For you to look into this world like this is a rare glimpse, a place that is not entered to very often by those who have not chosen to be there. Religion for me is a way to guide my life, and treat everyone like God by serving and helping others. When Becky Fischer said that she was looking for the most usable people and that kids were the most usable people that she had found. She is a third-generation Pentecostal on her father's side and a fourth-generation Pentecostal on her mother's side. As for the people that said Becky wasnt a true christian, i heard that crap years ago. This site uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. Those kids are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. If Jesus Camp really wanted to upset people, they could have attended a few of the anti-abortion training classes I was forced to sit through, where my pre-teen classmates and I passed around pictures of cut up, bloody fetuses and were told just how far we could push it in harrassing people before we risked arrest when we boycotted Planned Parenthoods. Get outta town, she closed the camp?! Bush creeped me out a bit. It's that they don't know how to test the spirits! i totally want to see it. Not all of them, but enough to know that they will have problems assimilating into that culture later in life. It's a common practice among some churches to pray for the president and the government by laying hands on their pictures. I think she's trying to devolve them to her level. Cartoons I watched as a child that are relatively unique to the 80s. (1) Rick Joyner, Prophet on Its Supernatural Theres one thing about reading about a person and getting to meet the person….I read that scripture that says ^If anyone loves Me, My Father and I will come and manifest ourselves to them. Christians were always hated and persecuted. This just goes to show that both sides of the battle have a LOT to learn about the other. that movie was terrible i hope she gets hit by a bus toting her soldiers of god to her fire camps and dies. As gentle as if I were to say to you, "Come on in! The camp is closed? That’s what I call a soldier. I guarantee you that a lot of them don't even know what they're crying for. So glad to hear that is has been closed. Also, it made me really mad that she was trying to convince him that science is not truth. Teach your children what a gift God has created in each of us, regardless if we fit a certain pattern or not. Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, Todd Bentley, Lou Engle; Becky Fischer; What the Bible says: “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1 . Rick Joyner is on Facebook. I've seen the movies and was disgusted.