These kids can be separated from the mother for potting. Perhaps you have a Guzmania with smooth green leaves and red brachts. The actual flowers will die long before the stalk does. Also, make sure your bromeliad is in a spot with bright, natural light so those flowers can open & the plant can stay looking good. DEA / C. SAPPA / Getty Images The Neoregelia bromeliads seen most often in cultivation are shorter than their showy cousins, as they don't have tall flowering bracts. Bromeliad Plant Diseases and Growth-Related Problems. These kids can be separated from the mother for potting. Bromeliads bloom only once. The brightly colored leaves retain their color year-round. Why is my bromeliad flower changing color? whose form and color vary widely among each variety. Light levels that are too low for the variety will lead to leaves that are long, thin, and greener in color. Bromeliads bloom only once. They come in a beautiful array of colors and foliage; they reproduce on their own, growing cute little baby bromeliads right in their very pots; and they will basically live forever with relatively low maintenance. When the bloom (colored part) is spent it will loose color. The wide leaves are sword shaped or scoop-like and grow around a central “cup.” This cup catches water in the plant’s habitat. Light levels that are too high will make leaves grow shorter, thicker, and lighter in color. Lack of Growth. Bromeliad blooms last weeks or months, depending on the species. The flower stalk changes color (mine went from pink to greenish/pink) when it’s starting to die out. The species of this genus are also slightly more cold-hardy than some other bromeliad types, surviving temperatures as low as 40 degrees. A. Near the end of its life, a bromeliad plant may produce an inflorescence, or flower. However, these plants frequently have gorgeous foliage that can provide months of color. Bromeliads are some of the most popular house plants, and with good reason. Failure to take proper care of the plant may make it vulnerable to pest attacks, losing color, stunted growth, and fungal diseases. The amount of light can affect a bromeliad's leaf color, leaf shape, and growth rate. As Phalaenopsis orchids finish blooming and enter their dormant stage, the plant’s leaves will lose their luster, turning dull and taking on a somewhat grayish cast. Inadequate watering has been associated with poor growth and bloom. The mother plant will then send out "pups" -- new plants from around the base. Bromeliads generally like crowded coditions -- being root bound promotes the bloom. When the flower fades, you can remove it. Bromeliads generally like crowded coditions -- being root bound promotes the bloom. When the bloom (colored part) is spent it will loose color. This Bromeliad plan is usually medium-sized with a compound head is set in the middle of the rosette and the flowers have blue or white petals. A thread in the Beginner Gardening forum, titled Earth Star Bromeliad losing color The leaves come in a very wide range of colors and also a wide range of sizes. The mother plant will then send out "pups" -- new plants from around the base. On the other hand, too much of it can turn the leave brown and cause root rot. When a healthy Phalaenopsis orchid is in bloom or is preparing to bloom, its leaves should be the color of healthy grass, a bright medium green with yellow undertones.