“It’s really the only spot where that buck could stand and fend off a coyote, I guess. They know their surroundings, have excellent eyes and ears, are easily adaptable, and they’re fast. “That opening is a good spot for bowhunting, because deer like to move through it. “We went back the next week to look for the buck. Placing both decoys 50 yards in front of me and about 15-20 yards apart from each other. His plan was to pull the card and be on his way. The land is too rough to plant food plots or anything like that. © 2019 ThemeSphere. But the question now is “Where?” Like you would with any game animal, you look for the food. Keep your calling based on activating territorial, mating and feeding instincts. “The area where I put this camera is a little opening in the woods,” he said. They didn’t see any evidence of what was shown in the photos. Needless to say, they were shocked and amazed at what the older-model Moultrie Game Spy camera had meticulously documented. “I’ve been asking myself the exact same things,” Smith said. Their goal is to disembowel the animal. Coyote Hunting FAQs. Press Esc to cancel. Coyotes will scavenge deer carcasses any time of the year (1) and usually have deer hair in their scat, but they primarily hunt deer during the spring and the winter in areas with snow. It’s been extremely hot. We’ll never know exactly why this magnificent buck decided to stay in front of Marlin Smith’s trail camera for more than five hours during the night of Aug. 1 and 2, 2011. Whether you’re planning a short weekend or an extended trip, we offer a truly unmatched experience including over 3,000 acres of free-range hunting at its finest. Coyotes hunt rabbits, quail, turkey, deer, and ducks as their main source of food. Was he injured beforehand? Smith did, however, speculate on what might have happened. Minimal recoil. A final note to keep in mind, which is one we have mentioned previously in D&DH, is this: Predation is an inexact science. Many states have established seasons and hunters are now pursuing coyotes in the same way they do deer, turkeys or small game. Six days later, on Aug. 8, Smith again returned to the lease to check on his trail cameras. “That just blew us away. Here’s what you can do about it on your hunting area. Don't get me wrong, a live coyote will alert deer, but as long as they are away from him (50y or more) the deer will act normal and travel and feed in normal patterns. The second reason for their increasing value with hunters is their weary nature, which makes them a difficult animal to harvest. Apr. Be the first to rate this post. Bow & Arrow Only Season from the 4th Saturday prior to the last Friday in October through the Friday following Election Day in November. Deer Remains. If ever there was justification for reducing coyote populations, these photos would be it. That makes coyotes some of the best “off-season” species, a quarry to pursue when you can’t hunt deer, birds and such. One of the best baits for coyote hunting at night is definitely deer carcass. The smell of the dead deer will easily attract the coyotes from their hideouts. This means they will also attract coyotes. “There wasn’t anything,” Smith said. The coyote will then maintain its grip in an attempt to suffocate the deer, or hold it in place long enough until other can move in and help. Fans of American horror movies will instantly recognize it as a preamble to pending doom. With a little bit of knowledge and some of the same equipment already being used for deer, turkeys or small game it is possible to successfully harvest this elusive canine. We do use mineral licks. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. It’s really hilly, and there are a lot of rocks. I’ll call to sound like a new mating pair moving into the territory. But who knows? They are nocturnal predators who do most of their hunting in the dark. “No hair. Coyotes are predators and are always on the lookout for the next meal. Coyotes kill a lot of deer. While many freshmen have been very successful using their deer rifle or even turkey shotgun a flat, fast shooting .223 is a near perfect varmint rifle. This helps us get at least somewhat of an idea of what’s out there … what kinds of bucks we have roaming the ground. “I didn’t expect to have a ton of photos on there. As late as the mid-20th century many states still offered bounties on coyotes paid for each hiding a hunter could produce. After you’ve established where you want to hunt, here are some basic details to remember when setting up. Coyote Hunting Gear and Accessories. The  weather this year has been brutal. Asked why hunters couldn’t simply start hunting coyotes to help deer, Kilgo replied that coyotes can be hunted and trapped but in addition to being wily, they are highly prolific and very adaptable to their new region. Hunting coyotes at night can be exciting and challenging at the same time. His antlers were chewed up pretty good. In fact, in over 1000 kilometers (640 miles) of coyote tracking we rarely see this pattern. As the photos reveal, coyotes are persistent and work systematically when they kill a deer. Coyotes seldom follow deer tracks for any distance. Deer will stay a safe distance from non-hunting people but they won’t completely avoid the area if they are used to non hunting human presence. The photo shows a nice buck that is attacked and ultimately killed by two, possibly more, coyotes (more photos of coyotes kill buck). Type above and press Enter to search. Image 1 of 35, EXPLORE OTHER MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS, This is How Many Does to Down per Acreage, Skull Hooker Expands Flush Mount Models for 2021, Deer Protection Program Under New Management. Since coyotes are highly adaptable, wiping them out is almost impossible and those who hunt simply help in … By hunting them, you minimize competition and prevent the population of other animals from shrinking. Even the best hunter can’t cover as much territory as a good trapper. All I can say is that it happened.”. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nestled in the heart of McMullen County in the Texas “Big Deer Country”, Lonesome Coyote Ranch encompasses over 11,000 acres, and is proud to be one of the premier destinations for South Texas hunting. The new coyote hunter will quickly find that, although an entire industry has been built around providing specialized predator hunting gear, very little is needed to get started. How to Hunt Coyotes. It is, for this reason, that night hunting of coyotes is the topic I am focusing on, in this article. But the times I have seen coyotes attacking deer, it's been both young ones and adults." All of this adds up to one unwavering truth: hunting coyotes can be challenging. We can only speculate that he might have been completely exhausted from being chased for who-knows-how long beforehand and that clearing in the woods was the only place where he felt safe enough to try to fend off their ferocious attack. The excitement of bringing home … Those hopes were realized within the first week of the camera being in the woods, but in a way that Smith would have never imagined. Decoys need not be overly fancy. There wasn’t much left of it … just the skull and a little bit of the spinal column. “I thought that was odd,” he said. Hunting methods All hunting methods (12) By far the most popular method of coyote hunting is calling. This means that as a hunter you need to learn how to hunt coyotes at night. Coyotes hunt primarily with their nose and eyes, and they’re capable of moving quickly and swiftly once they detect prey. If they coyote gets within their comfort bubble, the deer will head for cover. Rather than a kill on sight approach, meant to eradicate the species, coyotes are now viewed by many sportsmen as a valuable target species. Excited about the upcoming archery season, he drove to his lease on Aug. 2 and placed his trail camera in an effort to census the area for deer activity. Two of the mainstays in achieving this goal are decoys and calls. A burst abdomen and/or bladder will immobilize the deer and cause it to go into shock. For starters, coyotes are canine predators that have to run for miles and work hard for every meal, while deer are browsers that can fulfill their dietary needs inside a relatively small home range. As the photos reveal, coyotes are persistent and work systematically when they kill a deer. The whole area around it is really thick; really hard to move through. Was he suffering from an internal disease? Generally speaking, coyotes are nocturnal animals and are most active at night. You should take advantage of this trait to locate your prey by looking where a coyote finds its prey. By implication they suggest that whenever a coyote is hungry it simply finds the nearest deer track, puts its nose to the ground and runs the deer to exhaustion. Documented in extreme detail — more than 200 photos — was the grisly death scene of a record-class buck at the jaws of some blood-thirsty coyotes. While the belief that coyotes are a non-discriminating killer of both wild game … If there is any chance of getting a coyote to come within the range, you must make sure to camouflage yourself, your gear and any trace of your entry into their world. For a long time, the majority of sportsmen felt the same way. Our winter tracking experience disputes this version of coyote hunting behaviour. “If you look real close at some of the photos, you’ll see two coyotes on him and two sets of eyes in the background.”, “I don’t know; he might have been,” Smith said. No votes so far! After scanning through the photos and noticing images of the dead buck, the two friends searched the immediate area. In the first part of this two part series we looked at the affects of coyotes on deer populations and their effect on hunting. Coyote Behavior. From there, the coyotes will literally eat the deer while it’s still alive. Coyotes required a flat shooting rifle light enough to be carried easily for long periods of time. Smith is an avid bowhunter who has taken many trophy bucks over the years. A dead coyote will not affect deer movement. Now the question is, what is the most efficient caliber for deer hunting and how to get an instant knock down? You have a really good buck on here.’ ”. “From what I can tell, the coyotes chased him a long ways and then somehow managed to bay him in that area surrounding the opening.”, After examining all of his photos, Smith said he believes there were four coyotes involved in the attack. I don’t think coyotes will run deer out unless the particular yotes in question have a habit of stalking and chasing deer. Best Deer Hunting States-Go on a Trip: Here’s the Best 7 States for Whitetail; How Fast Can A Deer Run – How Hard Would It Be To Catch A Frightened Deer On The Run; Where To Shoot A Deer – Top 5 Best Places To Shoot A Deer; How Long Should My Arrows Be: Choosing Arrows of the Right Length – a Complete Explanation; How Fast Can A Coyote Run? These qualities make the caliber ideal for deer hunting. “I have no idea. Chances are, if deer are using the area, coyotes are too. "Whether (coyotes)'re actually reducing deer … This does take patience, and it also takes some resources in terms of procuring the bait you’ll be using. Firearm or Bow Season from the Saturday after Election Day in November through March 15. “That opening in the woods is a unique spot,” he said. 2. There is some evidence of coyotes hunting adult deer in areas without snow, but this is not well documented. No blood. One of the reasons coyote hunting has grown in popularity is their widespread availability. "I mean, it's just not something you see much. Smith, a northeast Texas resident, had placed his Moultrie camera on his 4,800-acre lease in nearby Oklahoma. This Flashback article was first published in the January 2012 issue of Deer & Deer Hunting. Coyotes are no longer limited to the western states, but can now be found in nearly every state including the East Coast. Based on his jawbone, he’s a 4½-year-old. And, perhaps the larger questions: Why wouldn’t he run farther, and why did he stay in front of the camera? Finally, there is the fact that a new hunter can successfully pursue coyotes without a lot of specialized gear. Camouflage. In the end, it’s all about tipping the scales far enough in your direction that you come out on top. Still, coyotes are active during the night as well, making them an ideal night-hunting target. The best deer hunting calibers should have the following: Perfect striking energy – the standard is 1000 ft. lbs which is sufficient to kill a deer. This guy lives to shoot coyotes. Hunting is fun and a skilled hunter can rack up some impressive numbers, but it can’t produce the numbers of coyotes that a trap line can. "In all my years of hunting, I've seen it three times," said Morris. Good luck and good hunting! Keep the wind at your face or crossing your face. Avoiding the very top of the rise and having the sun at your back may not seem like a big deal, but when you are hunting another predator, every advantage tips the scales just a little bit. While the belief that coyotes are a non-discriminating killer of both wild game and domesticated life stock is still wide spread, the method of control has changed. To his surprise, the camera’s batteries were dead. Traps work 24 hours a day and a good trapper can set dozens in a day. Coyotes do kill adult deer, and they often kill healthy bucks and does. No drag marks. Open fields, hedgerows and the edges of new growth forests are all areas which attract and hold mice, rabbits, and other small game species. If I know the location of some old den sites, I like to set up nearby with a couple Kojo coyote decoys. “You can rest assured there are no fences around there. With traditional baiting, the first step is to pick a … We just kind of hunt the draws and the edges of the hills. That was a 100% wild deer living on free-range timber-company land.”. Their eating order is usually determined by each animal’s social position in the pack, with the largest coyote feeding first. “I just kind of sat there with my mouth open,” Smith said of his reaction to viewing the images. Coyotes hunt individually and in packs. Since more and more people have taken up predator hunting, it does keep (the coyotes) away," he said. The howl of a coyote means many different things depending on who hears it. Image used courtesy Paul Ferland: Flickr. Almost 10 years later, it still baffles us how one trail camera caught all of this action! Best Caliber for Deer Hunting. “However, we got a photo of him a few weeks before that, and he seemed to be fine. Coyotes mostly hunt at night, and, of course, we're not out there hunting all the time. After a while, he said, ‘You’ve got to see this. How to Hunt Prairie Coyotes. Researchers increasingly discuss the role of opportunity in predation, which is a departure from the once-standard belief that four-legged predators primarily hit only the weak and sickly, or the young and old. It just seemed like a good place to hunt.”. Kind of like people. Nothing.”. So, if a coyote can establish a territory on the landscape with open environments where chasing deer is an option, it offers coyotes an advantage. This is the third year he has been hunting the property. Smith said he did not place bait in front of the camera, adding that he prefers to monitor deer that are moving more naturally because this gives him a better understanding of where bucks will be traveling during daylight. When Marlin Smith placed his Moultrie trail camera on his hunting lease this summer, he was hoping to capture some stunning images of white-tailed bucks. I’d say it’s probably the same with coyotes, since coyotes … Designed by ThemeSphere. Jan. Feb. Mar. The right scope to mount on the rifle will be variable and lightweight, with decent magnification, and field of view. Just the Basics. Accuracy. There are three (3) seasons for hunting coyote and fox – 1. The biggest challenge when hunting coyotes is tricking the evasive hunter to crossing the line from being a predator to becoming prey. Adherence to a few tips also comes in handy when baiting coyotes. Select your location by remembering that the coyote will be hunting as well. Coyotes are a very wary predator with extremely keen senses. A coyote howling was an unmistakable signal that something very bad was about to happen. While baiting coyotes works during the day, you can only find them easily at night. Hunting Coyotes with a Suppressor. This means that camouflage is not an option but a requirement. Rifle. Set up where you have good visibility and minimal movement detection. First, coyotes love them so much, and secondly, because you can mostly legally get deer meat to use as bait. Indiana is in the midst of coyote hunting season now, which runs from October to March, though permission can be obtained to hunt them other times of … Once you have your limited gear ready it is time to hunt. When attacking adult deer, a pack of coyotes will work systematically and attack the rear end of the deer. If you want a quality pelt for a trophy, you’d better schedule the hunt for colder months. This could be the best coyote bait to use for your coyote hunting. Studies have shown that up to 74% of the fawns in some areas are eaten by coyotes. In the end, however, these timeless images reinforce a thought that many hunters have pondered in recent years: Coyotes are a force to be reckoned with when managing any property for better deer and deer hunting. Many experienced deer hunters turn their attention to coyote hunting after the whitetail seasons end and wonder why their tried-and-true stand-hunting tactics don't seem to be working. 5 Things To Consider Before Your First Fishing Trip, A Camper’s Guide To Dealing With Black Bears, Top 15 Largest Forest in the World Update Feb, 2021, ESSENTIAL TOOLS USED WHEN STARTING AND CLEARING A CAMPGROUND, 5 Best High Sierra Loop Backpack Reviews (Updated 2020), 7 Best Military Special Forces Watches Brands-Buyer Guide Feb, 2021, 9 Best Handheld GPS Navigators Reviews-Buyer Guide Feb, 2021, 6 Best Portable Solar Panel Reviews-Buyer Guide (Updated Feb, 2021), 9 Best Towable Tube Reviews-Buyer Guide Updated Feb, 2021, Camping Checklist of Things to Bring 2020, 6 Best Weight Vest Reviews-Buyer Guide Jan, 2021, 5 Best Assisted Opening Knife Reviews-Buyer Guide (Updated Feb, 2021). We had a stretch of I don’t know how many days where it’s been over 100. Coyotes eat almost anything, vegetation as well as meat. You will want to make sure the primary winding is to your advantage, but you can increase this edge by placing your back against a stream, cliff or another natural obstacle- reducing the coyote’s ability to circle downwind of your position. A coyote hunter sets up with two Kojo Coyote Decoys in open country hoping to capitalize on the lovesick dogs. Smith scoffed at that notion. Aerodynamics. Therefore, baiting them into effective range during the dark hours should be your priority as a hunter. When they are in packs is when they are the most lethal to adult deer, especially when other environmental conditions, such as deep snow, can be used to their advantage. The property he hunts is owned by a large timber company is located in some foothills far removed from paved roads and county highways. This is real. Although full body, fur covered decoys are available, many hunters use little more than a rabbit tail, or stuffed toy on a spring mounted holder. As late as the mid-20th century many states still offered bounties on coyotes paid for each hiding a hunter could produce. Maybe that had something to do with it.”. They love anything that has to do with deer meat, so you will really catch their attention with this type of bait. Coyotes are smart; they have to be. Coyotes were often believed to be undesirable, nuisance predators responsible for the loss of valuable game animals, even white tail deer. How Coyotes Killed Deer Hunting | Deer Hunting | Realtree Camo As I was changing my batteries, I gave the card to my buddy, and he put it in his wife’s point-and-shoot camera and started looking at the pictures. Well, this certainly proves that coyotes can kill a mature, healthy white-tailed buck.”. After killing the deer, the coyotes will take turns feeding on the carcass. By Bernie Barringer. Studies from northern areas show during mild winters coyotes kill less deer and switch to other prey like … How could a record-class buck, seemingly in his prime, fall victim to a couple of coyotes? “We don’t use corn because of the (black) bears. The two hunters left and returned home to examine the photos in more detail. Coupled with a mouth or electronic call, imitating either a rabbit in distress or another coyote looking to mate, you’ve got a set up that says “Come and get it” to any coyote within about 1/2miles area. One Oklahoma deer hunter was shocked to find what his game camera found when he placed it out at his deer lease—two coyotes that kill a nice buck! While deer hunting is a passion for Massachusetts sportsmen, it is often explained as more of a religion in Pennsylvania. But on property where a lot of people hunt, the deer are more leery of human presence and will avoid hunting pressure specifically. There is a reason no scientific study has used hunters instead of trappers. They eat everything from roadkill to rabbits to wild fruits. When Smith’s photos first circulated, some questioned whether the incident took place in an enclosure. Stick to using a smaller rifle than the one you use for deer, especially if it’s not your farm you’re hunting on. “Hey, I’m just an average guy,” he said. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jul. What Is The Best Bait For Coyotes? Yes, they will smell it, but do not view it as a threat. We always hear about how coyotes really only kill fawns. “I picked that spot because several deer trails ran through it. Jun. Sight and Sound. As documented in previous issues of Deer & Deer Hunting, coyotes will sometimes kill younger deer by cornering the animal to the point where one coyote will move in and bite down forcefully on the deer’s muzzle. It took some time, but we eventually found the head about 300 or 400 yards from the camera. Coyotes were often believed to be undesirable, nuisance predators responsible for the loss of valuable game animals, even white tail deer. As documented in previous issues of Deer & Deer Hunting, coyotes will sometimes kill younger deer by cornering the animal to the point where one coyote will move in and bite down forcefully on the deer’s muzzle. May. This behavior, although common among large cats, is uncommon behavior among coyotes when they attack adult deer. Hunting over bait is the term used to describe hunting coyotes by placing out a set bait pile, and waiting for them to come on out and investigate. Over the last decade, the coyote has begun to be seen in a different light.