Get ahold of your states unemployment office by way of phone and they will remove that for you so that you can move forward. Required fields are marked *. They will need to go to their state specific UI site to file their claim or reactivate an existing claim. ", They are going to have to go in and manually change it from what I understand. THE OPTION TO FILE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE UNDER MY ACCT & THEYRE TELLING ME IM NOT INTITLED TO THE REMAINING 7 WKS & THAT THERES NO WAY FOR ME TO GET ANY OF THE MONEY & THEY DONT GIVE AN EFF THAT I HAVE NO INCOME COMING IN. I’ve had a call in a waiting line for over 2 weeks with no return call or help! Hi All, "I would call your Assemblymember or Senator and explain that you re-opened and will need help. You must reopen your claim to request benefit payments.” However based on calls people have had with EDD they are getting a somewhat conflicting message with one person commenting ” I just got off the phone with EDD and the rep said nobody has received an extension [as of January 11th] and only people who are receiving payments are from pending payments on December 26th. It previously said don’t do anything EDD will recalculate and contact…now it has the Blue Button to REOPEN but that is for the people who they listed below the button( people who received a notice from their job or union). Note that your PEUC claim may have a different weekly benefit amount versus your PUA benefit due to the differing calculations for these benefits. See this article where I post updates for CA UI and answer your q – Your claim has not yet expired, and. With the new legislation and funding, Mike can continue to file his weekly certifications beginning with the week ending 1/02/21. Although I have exhausted PUA (39 weeks), but with the new legislation, the benefit have been extended for additional weeks for the PUA. But I received an email Monday with instructions on steps to take to reopen my claim and I was finally able to do that today and everything is back opened. I heard that there was an extention so I looked to see if I recieved anything. Yea, I forgot to mention i’m in CA. This amendment increased the maximum benefit amount you’re eligible to receive on your PEUC claim from 13 times the weekly benefit amount to 24 times the weekly benefit amount. The problem is there’s no way to certify. Due to the bill not being approved I had to go through the 3hr ordeal of filing for extended benefits the following Mon. Getting conflicted messages. Because of the additional PEUC benefits available, you are no longer eligible to receive PUA. Can I reopen my claim and get Extended Benefits? The EDD will recalculate and they will send you a notice either UI online inbox, email or text. She also said it doesn’t matter if you clicked the reopen claim button the extensions will be rolled out this week and to wait for an email or text message notification that you have available weeks to certify”. This excludes any weeks of unemployment compensation (UC) or Extended State Benefits (EB) you may have been eligible for since January 27, 2020. additional documentation requirements to fight fraud) before being able reopen or reactivate her existing claim. every time edd update system it resets mine asking me again to reopen claim I’ve done this twice now the third time I have not done anything, In California here. We will finish extending benefits for these PUA and PEUC claims by January 22. Am on PEUC program. I also read through this, but am not finding the answers I need. Up until yesterday I was not able to certify weeks but was able to certify as of yesterday the weeks up to December 26 but can not see my payment boxes and got message about my dua claim has been cancelled withdrawn. And I’ve never had an issue. The only other thing I can do is wait because it is exhausting, confusing and frustrating. You must call one of the numbers below for assistance in reopening your claim. The link to reopen will be available. Watch Morning Blend: Start your day with the latest headlines, weather and traffic. We have to just wait for EDD. I exhausted my regular benefits and got was told to certify the following week that I wouldn’t have to do anything and I received an additional amount of weeks but I have no way to find out how many on the unemployment website. Unemployment, "Claim restart date" for PEUC. Very frustrating not being able to get answers. The process and documentation requirements will vary by state. My 26 initial UI claim was exhausted the week ending date Dec. 16th. It was confusing. Do not file for PEUC until you have received all your regular UI benefits. I asked if I needed to so anything to get the 11 weeks of PUA. you certifi ever one you see in there dont ever stop i did got payed 6 weeks 2200 in ohio. There was no other option where I can process the weekly certification. How long is this supposed to take? I completed the whole Reopen online form. Upload your weather photos on the ABC10 app. Any input would be immensely appreciated. What does this mean and has anyone else been through this. Thank you for the reply, Andy! If you reopened the claim and you had a balance remaining then it will slow down the calculation process. Most claimants will need to apply for standard UI benefits in order to have the option to reopen your PUA or PEUC claim. I’m in Ca. I’ve been researching today and am also getting conflicting messages. Based on recent Department of Labor guidelines to state unemployment agencies we can infer what actions claimants need to take (if any) based on the status of their claim as of week ending December 26th, 2020. Should I wait for CA EDD to sort out new regulations?? My UI online account was already extended from 12/26/20- 4/06/2021. I read on the United States Department of labor that claimants who’s claim exhausted before December 26, 2020 you will still get the extension but it will be delayed. Thanks Jeff. From Calif. To all those in a state of confusion as I was. I’m thinking maybe the system still updating and soon I will see answer. A link to “reopen”. Be patient, today I was finally able to log in and certify for benefits, it back dated to Dec. 27th for the 2 weeks. This article was last updated on January 11. I am also confused. To be eligible for benefits under the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program, individuals must: Have exhausted all regular state unemployment insurance benefit payments. I hope this helps. If you are currently filing a claim under the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program the maximum amount of benefits available under the PEUC program increased from 13 weeks to 24 weeks. I’ve been checking every couple of days since the new fed extention. Did this program end or was it extended with the other programs? Im having trouble finding answers to this issue: I draw my unemployment in ohio my EB run out dec 12th will I be able to get on the extended unemployment, I’m in the same boat. But his UI portal it still has 39 week as his maximum weeks and says he has received 39 of 39 payment. Depending on when you filed your unemployment claim and if it has expired, you may need to reapply for unemployment. Slide over to & click on transaction, then it will take you to a page that will show you total at the bottom. You won’t be able to do much until they finish this processing. I opened a new claim on the 27th of December and the portal showed 5 weeks of benefits available???? They will contact you. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) – 2021 Extension Delays and Unable to File Clams Despite a Zero Balance. I’m so confused. We don’t want to reopen his claim and make a mistake and it takes even longer or he gets some type of penalty. I’m just a 50 year old father of two, who’s currently unemployed, and had to move back home to care for my father! Mine is saying the same thing Jeff, I am curious to know because I don’t want to reapply and pro-long my claim and future payments. To qualify, your claim must have started on July 8, 2018, or after. Continue to file your claim each week for the unemployment benefit you are currently receiving. no one told me this prior to that date in Jan that I made a mistake SO now I have a new claim date with no backpay and I’m moving so I have to quit my job. I have child support, bills, and rent! The text link I received said they will notify me through UI onine, mail or text when I can certify for my next benefit payment. Soooooo frustrated…. I need to know what to do here! I have look and look on Georgia Department of Labor website & I still don’t know what to do? She said my claim looked weird and certification was correct. Since these claimants are not currently eligible, they should not be able to reopen and certify for benefits. Will just have to be patient. Do I need to reapply? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Funding was extended, but depends on the unemployment rate in your state (OH) if they activate it. IDK WHAT TO DO. I WAS CUT OFF BENEFITS 12/12 BC OHIO NUMBERS WERE UP & I WAS SHOWING I STILL HAD 4WKS PUA AVAILABLE. Thats is an error for PUA. If you’re not eligible, you can reopen your pandemic account on Monday. So my Ohio (pua) was exhausted as of Dec20th, and my (pua) login is updating, will I need to apply for extended benifits or will it automatically do it after the system updates… Just wondering because my finances are pretty messed up right now. The only other message I recieved was about filing taxes. FINALLY RECEIVED 1 PAYMENT 2/8/21 FOR 1900. Claimants may receive PEUC for up to 24 weeks after exhausting state unemployment insurance benefits. Anybody have any answers on this. ! the system is a complete mess. You are the best of the best. I am afraid to do this because it could mess up in the system and then a bigger problem is created. Self employed in florida, Jeff. Got one reply that said checked my status, said issue was resolved and keep calling PAT every 2weeks. I had to redue it and I saw that I was missing something. 1/13/21 I finally saw an update. The claimants that still had weeks left that the processed their payments first. That included all the extensions as well. If you are eligible for the MEUC program and are paid at least $1 of your underlying unemployment benefit amount for any week of unemployment, you will also receive a $100supplemental MEUC payment. They owe me over $3000. Follow these same steps for PUA, PEUC or EB claims. He won’t have to reopen his claim. Keep in mind that it might be difficult to get someone on the phone. 8. If you later exhaust EB and continue to be unemployed or partially unemployed, you may be eligible to reopen your PEUC claim and collect these additional benefits. Thanks for any additional info. Please help if you have anymore information! Plus, track storms with live radar. Was collecting unemployment for the entire year (2020). If you previously exhausted your claim for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) and are currently filing a claim under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, you will have to reapply for the PEUC program since you can only collect PUA if you have exhausted any entitlement to PEUC. When I click on the claim, there are no alerts available, however on the main page there is the hyperlink saying to File a new PUA claim. Thats is for people who have regular UB. To reopen or not to reopen, that is the question…. My Ohio EB stopped on 12/12/2020 I was still able to certify weeks up till 01/16/2021 on the pua site like always shows 5 week’s available but no payment for any weeks has been made. I went online today and it says “Reopen Your Claim Having lot of issues here in Pa . If you Did Not have a balance when the federal payments expired then YES You Do Need to reopen your claim. Sign up at, WATCH MORE: How to appeal an EDD denial of unemployment benefits | Dollars and Sense. Hi Lisa, I don’t know if it’s relevant but here’s an update from my first reply. Note that your PEUC claim may have a different weekly benefit amount due versus your PUA benefit to the differing calculation to state UI benefits. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) [email protected ... the online system that you used to initially apply for UI benefits is also used to reopen your claim, provided that you ... (if you applied online). This is what an other commenter said ” After 2 hours and 31 minutes in and a wait time of 45 minutes I just got off the phone with EDD and the rep said nobody has received an extension and the people who are receiving payments are from pending payments on December 26th. I think that you clicked submit but it did not go through. What can I do to get the benefits owed to me?? It looks like the “Reopen your claim” button is the only option other than just waiting it out and seeing if anything gets updated on its own. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. See this TN UI resource page – The PEUC 1.1 program should be on the claim and the claim status should change to “Exhausted Inactive” or “Expired Inactive”. You should reopen/restart your account during the first week you are unemployed. It was submitted & confirmation showed that it went through. Im in maryland. You have to reapply for regular unemployment and get rejected so that you can apply for pua. My last check on this new extension that exhausted my benefits was on 01/02/2021. After you have exhausted all regular UI benefits you will need to file a PEUC initial claim. Am I eligible for PEUC? The additional PEUC benefits are only eligible for weeks of unemployment starting December 27th, 2020 through week ending March 13th, 2021. 2.) EDD provided this guidance to Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez. "Since Congress and the President took action to reauthorize these federal benefits, the Employment Development Department (EDD) is quickly reopening PEUC and PUA claims for those that had a balance on their claim as of December 26, 2020. Review UI Online: Reopen a Claim video for more help. These individuals who are waiting for their PEUC extension of PUA weeks to be made available starting December 27, 2020, do NOT need to re-open their claims. They will need to go to their state specific UI site to file their claim or reactivate an existing claim. Some people said when they click the reopen for PUA it told them they didn’t need to submit that application. For a step by step video guide to reopening an unemployment claim, visit . If anyone has updates for themselves please let us all know. how about this i had filed for pua which became active way back in may i was then put on regular ui. But you have to certify and be eligible for all the 11 weeks in that period as the payments are made weekly. I am in the same situation. Subscribe now to get the latest updates, exclusive content and related articles delivered directly to you. Can someone please help me ?! “Maximum benefits paid” but with a Claim Balance over $1,000. Then under that it says:”If you received a claim form from your employer or union, special handling is required to reopen your Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim. Anyhow, wait and check througout this week. The EDD is working diligently through these claims to automatically make those weeks available.". Understood, all this is so confusing. You can reopen your claim if it was filed within the last 52 weeks and you have not used all of your benefits. Hope this helps!! BUT FOR THE WK OF 1/31/21 IT SAYS ZERO AVAILABILITY & MY STATUS NOW SAYS MY WEEKS ARE EXHAUSTED. No money since12/30 . What if I lost my BOA debit card? Do I have to go through this rigorous process and reopen my claim again? Yes! Or are you still waiting for extension as well? Hence your benefit balance has not been updated. If you qualify, it will automatically update and you will see the alerts to start certifying again. If I find anything out I’ll post the info. Not sure what to do but wait? So I certified him for the week of January 2, 2020. Some people say I need to reopen!