If the latter likely applies to you, decide whether it’s a good addition to your overall healthy diet. Fiber helps you feel full for longer and may prevent dramatic drops in blood sugar between meals. Metformin is a prescription drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. The foods you eat can have a major impact on diabetes and blood sugar levels. Diabetes is a metabolic condition that affects how the body either produces or uses insulin. Given that the word “bran” is often associated with healthy foods, many people assume that raisin bran is a nutritious breakfast cereal, but you may wonder whether this is the case. It’s also a good idea to check the serving size and determine whether it’s a realistic amount of cereal, or if you’re likely to consume more than what’s listed. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All rights reserved. Fiber can help you feel full longer, and it contributes to digestive health. eat smaller amounts of food more often throughout the day. Though the exact causes are unknown, the obesity epidemic is one likely culprit. Since the drying process concentrates the sugar in raisins, grapes have less sugar and rank lower on the glycemic index. Raisin Bran among 5 worst cereals for your diet. Post Bran Flakes, 16-Ounce Boxes : No: How to Choose the Right Cereal for Diabetics. All rights reserved. Even if you’re having fruit as a snack, you need to count it as part of your meal to make sure you don’t eat too many servings of carbohydrates. … While several companies make raisin bran, it typically contains bran flakes, raisins, sweeteners, salt, added flavors, and various vitamins and minerals. Although raisin bran is a source of several healthy nutrients, it tends to be high in added sugar and refined carbs. Here we can see that GI is 95 and the load is 16, which is slightly better than in the first … Quick oats have a medium GI, with a value of … Well, worry no more; there is good news for you. Potassium protects your nervous system and muscle strength, and it also helps to manage water balance. Although there’s not much research on the health benefits of eating raisin bran cereal specifically, studies have shown that certain nutrients in the cereal may have benefits. Oat … Here is…. When choosing bran, go for those that are sugar-free meant for diabetics. As such, raisin bran works best as an occasional breakfast option rather than a regular choice. Weiner strongly encourages people with diabetes to choose a high-fiber bread, with at least three grams of fiber per slice. “You cannot eat just one,” which is why salty processed snacks are on the … © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Here are the top diabetes apps to…. It may be as easy as choosing the right bowl of cereal. Similar to other fruits, raisins are low in calories and have high nutritional value. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that added sugar should comprise no more than 10% of your total daily calories. Eating raisins may also help to regulate glycemic control after meals. Participants consumed four breakfast meals over a 2- to 8-week period. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. When it comes to cereal, most of your…, Want to start your day off right? And one misconception is that foods containing sugar — including fruit — are completely off limits. It can also be used to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The vegetable provides a healthy choice for people with diabetes. Famous in both flake and muffin form, bran has just been found to protect diabetic women from heart disease — and from dying from it. It may be a better way to identify good and bad carb choices.