According to a January 2017 Guttmacher Institute report, 926,200 abortions were committed by Planned Parenthood in 2014.From 2011-2015, Planned Parenthood … SIGN THE PETITION! Support Planned Parenthood From their website:
We are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. The following companies directly fund the abortion business: A list of companies that support third-party organizations that fund Planned Parenthood is located here. Adobe 2. “It scours over public records, official corporate reports, and other indicia of corporate sponsorships and public endorsements to which 2ndVote cites within its findings,” he added, and also pointed to tax returns and information found on corporate websites. As Planned Parenthood celebrates its centennial anniversary on October 16, corporate watchdog 2ndVote updates its list of direct donors to the abortion business. 2ndVote updated that list, which includes names like Nike and Starbucks, last week in time for Planned Parenthood’s big anniversary on Sunday, October 16. In addition to 37 companies that directly fund Planned Parenthood, 2ndVote lists 200 companies that “have supported 3rd party groups that fund Planned Parenthood.” Those companies include CBS and NBC Universal. Intel also holds another dubious claim to fame: they make more large donations to Planned Parenthood than any other company in the S&P 500. Just days before Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary, a conservative corporate watchdog has released an updated list of companies that fund America’s largest abortion provider. A number of clothing companies support the nation's largest abortion … In fact, eleven companies were on the July 2010 list that have now ceased supporting Planned Parenthood. That’s why the pro-life group Life Decisions International has compiled another updated list of companies that donate to the Planned Parenthood abortion business. NEW: Five ways to take action for our champions (today)! According to 2ndVote’s website, the organization describes itself as the “conservative watchdog for corporate activism. Launched in 2013 after “learning that March of Dimes donations were being funneled to Planned Parenthood,” founder Dr. David Black continued his mission to investigate other leftwing groups that were being funded by consumer purchasing of products and donations. 1. A very pro-choice and progressive corporation, … Bank of America 7. (Never mind the $553.7 million from the government.). From time to time people contact our office, asking which companies support Planned Parenthood financially. Their research indicates that the following 38 well-known companies have directly supported Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Action Fund: The Full List of our 2020 Endorsements. Here are the 41 companies that have directly funded Planned Parenthood. Intel’s Planned Parenthood Donations According to data sourced by Inspire Insight , Intel has made 72 large donations of $1,000 or more to Planned Parenthood … In addition to 37 companies that directly fund Planned Parenthood, 2ndVote lists 200 companies that “have supported 3rd party groups that fund Planned Parenthood.” Those companies include CBS … The group is under fire after two videos were released showing top Planned Parenthood executives … ExxonMobil, along with 38 other companies, donates directly to Planned Parenthood. According to 2nd Vote , a website and corresponding app that tracks the flow of money from consumers to political causes, 41 major companies directly contribute to Planned Parenthood. Though Planned Parenthood has denied any wrongdoing in its sale of body parts, the organization also released a statement in October of 2015 announcing it will no longer accept payments for aborted fetal tissue. Here are 200+ Companies that Support Planned Parenthood Oct 20, 2016 Jerry Cox Abortion Abortion, Life, Planned Parenthood, Pro-life, Sanctity of Human Life Update: We now keep a … Unilever is currently one of the largest mega-corporations in the world, and thankfully, they're one of the many companies that donate to Planned Parenthood. Boeing was added to the list. Planned Parenthood … LifeNews Note: Katie Yoder writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared. The same media, nevertheless, are quick to publish the names of companies and individuals who support traditional marriage and refer to them as “anti-gay.”. Rank Organization From Individuals From Organizations; 1: Planned Parenthood: $106,000: $5,386,920: 2: Uptown Arts: $2,120,000: $0: 3: House Majority PAC: $0: $1,935,700 In the survey of 1,700 Americans, even 66 percent of respondents who identify themselves as pro-choice say, “Abortion should be allowed, at most, in the first trimester, in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, or never permitted.”. The informationon these companies was gathered directly from Planned Parenthood sites. Also,most of these companies donate through the workplace matching gift program.Employees choose to have deductions from their payroll and the companies … Today, Planned Parenthood affiliates operate more than 600 health centers across the United States, and Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people. This is a list of companies provided by the website 2nd vote that contribute directly to Planned Parenthood. American Express 4. On forbes lists #24 The group has been successful in getting pro-life Americans to boycott companies that back the nation’s leading abortion company … Many businesses and corporations directly fund pro-abortion movements and abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman's Health. Private contribution and bequests made up $523.7 million of that total. The abortion lobby, led by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the ACLU formed the coalition of business executives as more states are passing restrictions on abortion. Planned Parenthood … In its latest annual report, Planned Parenthood said it received more than $1.4 billion in total revenue. (Although they have published lists targeting supposedly “anti-gay” companies like Chick-fil-A.). Unfortunately many more, which you can see here , have supported … A list of companies that support third-party organizations that fund Planned Parenthood is located here. After the Heritage Foundation listed 41 companies which were identified as Planned Parenthood supporters on the abortion provider’s website, Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox all contacted … Intel’s Planned Parenthood Donations According to data sourced by Inspire Insight , Intel has made 72 large donations of $1,000 or more to Planned Parenthood … Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. “Of Planned Parenthood’s $1.3 billion in yearly revenue, over 25% comes from private donations, including corporate contributions,” 2ndVote observes. Our reproductive health and rights are under attack. Contraception. Twenty-five percent of the proceeds of the shirt go to Planned Parenthood… Top Planned Parenthood donors on Life Decisions list include Expedia (,,,,,, etc. Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions annually and also receives more than a half billion taxpayer dollars each year. Planned Parenthood is in the midst of a controversy following … 2ndVote, a self-described “conservative watchdog for corporate activism” launched in 2013, aims to “expose the corporate influence on major policy decisions” in order to “turn the tide on the attacks on conservative values and principles.”, Executive Director Lance Wray told MRC Culture that his organization “researches and publishes only hard and reliable data.”. Intel also holds another dubious claim to fame: they make more large donations to Planned Parenthood than any other company in the S&P 500. Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately, Corporate donors make a difference. Planned Parenthood is America’s leading performer of abortions. American Cancer Society 3. Three of those companies — Coca Cola, Ford and Xerox — publicly objected to their inclusion on Planned Parenthood's list. The group 2nd Vote has put together a list of corporate sponsors based on Planned Parenthood’s own documents as well as other sources.. Below is a list of companies that support Planned Parenthood … Adobe Aetna Allstate American Express Amgen AutoZone Avon Bank of America … Planned Parenthood receives $1.3 billion in yearly revenue, and of that, “over 25% comes from private donations, including corporate contributions,” according to 2ndVote. Join Action Fund … It’s unlikely that the liberal media – which boast strong ties to Planned Parenthood and have been instructed to cover for Planned Parenthood – will publicize the funding of the controversial abortion giant. To date, over 270 companies have agreed to stop monetary donations to Planned Parenthood, the result of boycotts and writing campaigns by pro-life activists. AT&T 5. Planned Parenthood provides the full range of birth control options, from pills to … Here are the 37 companies that directly fund Planned Parenthood: Since last summer, two companies are no longer listed: American Cancer Society and AT&T. Throughout the past year, Planned Parenthood has been defending itself against allegations that it sells the body parts of babies it aborts in its clinics for profit. Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion. After the Heritage Foundation listed 41 companies which were identified as Planned Parenthood supporters on the abortion provider's website, Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox all contacted … The abortion business and its leftwing media supporters continue to insist the videos, produced by Center for Medical Progress, were “deceptively edited.”, However, a Democratic opposition research firm named Fusion — hired by Planned Parenthood itself to review the videos — said, while their analysts observed the videos had been edited — as all videos are — “the analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”, Additionally, Fusion noted, “[A]nalysts found no evidence that CMP inserted dialogue not spoken by Planned Parenthood staff.”, An analysis by Coalfire, a third-party forensics company hired by Alliance Defending Freedom, found that the videos were “not manipulated” and that they are “authentic.”. With a full-page ad in @nytimes today, leaders from over 180 companies who employ a workforce of more than 100,000 in a range of industries made a strong show of support … More than 25 percent of Planned Parenthood’s $1.3-billion annual revenue comes from private donations, which includes corporate contributions. “We do not support organizations that turn around and give money to Planned Parenthood, any anti-family organizations,” stated D’Addesi. A recent Marist College Institute for Public Opinion poll found a full 81 percent of Americans favor some restrictions on abortion — including limiting the procedure after the first three months — and a continued ban on public funding of abortion. As Newsbusters notes, the liberal media that provide cover for Planned Parenthood will … Those corporations that have withdrawn support for Planned Parenthood include Cisco … Corporations that support Planned Parenthood are hearing from the public and a new website is designed to inform people just which corporations are doing so. Avon 6. FaithPoliticsPlanned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood baby parts scandal. Scott also noted that more companies have been removed from LDI’s boycott list … ). Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.For nearly 100 years, Planned Parenthood … In addition to protesting and sending letters, one of the best ways to encourage big businesses to protect and support … Bath & Body … Above is a list of companies that donate to Planned Parenthood. Last year, 2ndVote made headlines in conservative news for revealing Planned Parenthood’s corporate donors after undercover videos exposed the abortion giant’s harvesting of aborted baby parts. The creators behind the shirt write of the slogan's meaning, "We support [women's] liberation, embrace our trans sisters, and call for the end of patriarchal ideology, domination, oppression and violence." As Newsbusters notes, the liberal media that provide cover for Planned Parenthood will likely ignore — or celebrate — the corporate donors to the abortion business. The abortion business has been under congressional investigation since the release of undercover videos that exposed its alleged practice of harvesting the organs of aborted babies for sale.