[25] Mary had requested that Bastian join her at Lochleven Castle in July 1567, the English ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton noted that she had asked the Lords for, "an imbroiderer to draw forth suche work as she would be occupied about. ... At the Notre Dame Cathedral, Mary, Queen of Scotland and Francis II were married on April 24, 1558, at the ages of fifteen and fourteen, respectively. In the Battle of Outreau, he was ambushed and defeated by the English, and he was heavily wounded; Thomas, Lord of Palmela was later killed by Francis after he was discovered to have warned the English about the French army's plans to assist Scotland. Parts of the song were given to the satyrs, nereids, fauns, and naiads who alternately addressed the Queen and Prince, and it was concluded by characters representing the Orkney Islands. Only "Sebastian" was named by the Governor of Berwick, William Drury, who noted they were all, except their single Scottish escort, wearing "Ilande wede." Mary, Queen of Scots is perhaps the best known figure in Scotland’s royal history. [51], In 1601, an inventory of the contents of Hardwick Hall included, in the wardrobe, "a picture of Bastean", which may have been a portrait of Bastian Pagez. Each time its decorative theme was renewed. Alisson's innocent letter of introduction would be brought to Bastian or Christine, because if there was a problem the secretaries would not be compromised. He devised part of the entertainment at the baptism of Prince James at Stirling Castle in 1566. Mary Stuart was born in Linlithgow, but grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland at the Holyrood Palace until she was attacked by the English and sent to live in France by her mother, Marie de Guise when she was 7.The young Mary, Queen of Scots, Prince Francis and his older half-brother, Sebastian all met when they were 6-years old at French Court. It broke during the fifth course. In 1557, he was briefly betrothed to marry Mary, Queen of Scots when his father attempted to legitimize Sebastian and make him his heir, but the marriage … The first season of Reign, an American historical fantasy romance television series, consists of 22 episodes that aired on The CW between October 17, 2013, and May 15, 2014. "[13], Mary, Queen of Scots attended Bastian's wedding dance on 9 February 1567, the night before the murder of Darnley at the Kirk o'Field lodging. Historica Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [34], For a time in 1578, Christine Hogg and her eldest daughter left Mary's household, and Walsingham prevented her return. [28] Mary wrote a similar letter on 12 August 1585 on behalf of another embroiderer, Pierre Oudry. Mary's jailer Amias Paulet was worried that Audrey's wife was a "women of judgement and understanding" who might become a "dangerous messenger" for Mary. She hoped the bishop could get him some French appointment to give him the financial security to stay with her. Some of the English guests, including Christopher Hatton, sat down behind the high table to face away from the spectacle, and the Queen and the English ambassador, the Earl of Bedford had to smooth things over. [33] In November 1584, Bastian travelled as far as Nottingham, accompanying Claude Nau, who was going to London to meet with Elizabeth and with the Scottish ambassador, the Master of Gray. Mary Queen Of Scots Last Letter. At the end of the episode, Bash and Mary left the castle while Francis tried to stop them, but he was … [45] When Mary was returned to Chartley two weeks later, Bastian was offered the keys to Mary's room, but the Queen told him not to accept and had an English officer open her things. This story of English tails was first set down in the Middle Ages by the chronicle writers William of Malmesbury, Wace, and Layamon in his Brut. Language: English Words: “Reign” told the story of Mary, Queen of Scots, who married the Dauphin France. She was already Queen of Scotland because her father, James V, … Later, Sebastian was combing a horse. Francis died just two years and 8 months after their wedding in 1560. Francis was the eldest son of Henry II of France and Catherine de’Medici and as such, heir to the French throne at the time of the marriage. Torrance Coombs was announced as having been cast as Sebastian, one of the leading characters, in March 2013. Mary wrote on 12 August 1585 to the French ambassador in London, Michel de Castelnau. Before he left Scotland, the new ruler, the Regent Moray, paid "Sebastian Padges Frenchman" £40 Scots. Bothwell was acquitted, and nothing was done with Lennox's list. No, teen queen Mary had just oodles of time to engage with what high school is often really about: dreamy dudes and gossipy friends. [39] It was planned that Christine and her daughters Mary and Elizabeth, would be removed from the household in January 1586, and Bastian was likely to be removed because, although he was thought useful to the Queen, he would not stay without his family. When the English authorities decided to act on the plot on 11 August 1586, Mary was out riding with Bastian, her doctor Dominique Bourgoing and others, and they were surprised by armed soldiers who took them to nearby Tixall. [18], Although it has often been written that Bastian married one of the Queen's ladies, Margaret Carwood, his wife's name, as recorded in the parish register of Holyroodhouse and Canongate and only a few years later in England, was Christily or Christine Hogg. The series follows the early exploits of Mary, Queen of Scots, and was created by Stephanie SenGupta and Laurie McCarthy. On 24 April 1558, Henry's fourteen-year-old son, the Dauphin Francis, married Mary. Mary Queen of Scots and Francis II of France Mary was aged just fifteen when she was married to Francis, although the pair had been betrothed ten years earlier. Ralph Sadler wrote to Francis Walsingham, asking that the families should not be split up, as Christily was a necessary person who the captive Queen could not spare. James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. He stayed privately in the castle, and the French ambassador Monsieur Le Croc was instructed not to speak to him by Charles IX. Bastian carried a letter from Mary to Queen Elizabeth which he gave to Lord Burghley in person. When his efforts failed, he launched a war on Scotland. [31], Bastian's involvement in Mary's secret correspondence was noted again in 1575, and in 1580 he sent a cipher key to one of his relations. Before he left Scotland, the new ruler, the Regent Moray, paid "Sebastian Padges Frenchman" £40 Scots. Extreme Measures 6. "[26], Bastian and Christine Hogg were listed in Mary's household at Tutbury Castle in October 1569 and at Sheffield on 3 May 1571. He refused to receive the title of Duke, opting for the lower title of Baron so that he could remain at the French court and protect Mary. [48] In a list made of the Queen's possessions and bequests in the keeping of her servants, Mary Pagez's father has in money 300 French crowns, and a "suit of savage attire," which seems to relate to his masque productions or the "ilande wede" Drury saw him wearing at Berwick. In an effort to create an alliance with Scotland, King Henry VIII proposed a marriage between his young son Edward and the infant Mary. She found her papers had been taken away whereupon she said two things could not be taken from her, her English blood and her Catholic religion. The detail of the other formal banquet on the day of baptism was described in the manuscript called the Diurnal of Occurents. Kenna de Poitiers (14 December 1542-) was a Scottish noblewoman who served as a lady-in-waiting to Mary, Queen of Scots, as the lover of King Henry II of France, and as the wife of Sebastian de Poitiers. After Francis death, Mary returned to Scotland to assume her designated role as the countrys monarch. He brought a letter from Mary written in Scots for Vincenzo Laureo, Bishop of Mondovì and nuncio for Scotland. Her life provided tragedy and romance, more dramatic than any legend. [37], When Mary Queen of Scots was to be moved to Tutbury Castle in November 1584, it was suggested the children in the household should be sent away. She asked him for a passport for her "brodeur" and his family who were happy enough to return to France where they would be better off than with her. Mary is attracted to his half-brother, Sebastian, son of the king’s mistress. [2] Meanwhile, the nymphs and satyrs sang Latin verses specially written by George Buchanan in honour of the food and hosts as the gift of the offering of rustic gods to James and his mother. She is the widow of Francis, to whom she had been engaged since the age of six and the mother of their … On 26 February 1567, Bastian arrived in London with Mary's French financial comptroller, Monsieur Dolu, and went to the Scottish ambassador, Robert Melville of Murdocairney. It is addressed to her former brother-in-law, King Henry III of France. A 17th-century account of the Queen's escape from Holyroodhouse after that murder says that Arthur Erskine of Blackgrange and Anthony Standen had the Queen and Lord Darnley as pillion riders as they rode to Seton Palace. 1. She was born in 1542 a week before her father, King James V of Scotland, died prematurely. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France, (DOB: 8th December 1542) is the female lead and protagonist. Regent Morton discovered in 1574 that Christine Hogg's mother in Edinburgh was involved in Mary's secret correspondence via the Earl of Shrewsbury's Scottish schoolmaster, Alexander Hamilton. [35] By August 1587, Bastian and Christine had two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, sons David and Jacques, and five younger children whose names were not recorded. Mary and thirty guests sat at a round table like King Arthur's at the head of the hall. Slaughter Of Innocence 4. A letter of the conspirator Charles Paget, who was part of the Babington Plot to free (or incriminate) Mary, gives an insight to Bastian's status, showing he was an intimate of the Queen, but not an essential member of her secretariat. Sebastian de Poitiers (1540-1561) was Master of Horse and Hunt of France and the illegitimate son of King Henry II of France. [49], After the funeral of Mary Queen of Scots at Peterborough Cathedral, the re-united Pagez family were given passports to travel to France. In 1558, Mary married Francis, the eldest son of French King Henry II and Catherine de Medicis. On the day of the baptism Le Croc sent a message to Darnley that if he came to his room, he would exit by the other door. This film serves to parallel the… Melville said that Hatton told him he would have stabbed Bastian for the offence, done because Mary, for once, showed more favour to Englishmen rather than the French.[6]. The "young French varlet of the Scots queen" arrived in Paris on 4 March, identified by the historian John Hungerford Pollen as Bastian. Granted, Mary, Queen of Scots doesn’t need to study algebra or practice for the soccer team in CW’s Reign. She has no SATs to prepare for, no after-school job to work. The parish register entry, which is dated later in the year, records the marriage was celebrated in the Queen's House. However, Queen Catherine de Medici opposed the marriage, as Nostradamus had prophesied that the marriage would lead to Francis' death. Six months later she became troubled by mental illness and had to be restrained. After Catherine discovered Diane of Poitiers' efforts to legitimize her son, she forced Diane to flee the castle, and Sebastian also decided to flee, accompanying Mary as she fled from Catherine following the murder of one of her ladies-in-waiting on Catherine's orders. After his brother Francis became King in 1559, he was made the King's Deputy so that he could serve his brother with a title. [3], Although the choreography was perfect, when the satyrs first wagged their tails, the Englishmen took it as reference to an old saying that Englishmen had tails. The 19th-century historian Agnes Strickland considered his court role as equivalent to the English Master of the Revels; in England he was Mary's chamber valet and designed her embroidery patterns. [4] Polydore Vergil had published a more current version of the ancient legend, writing that the curse applied to the descendants of people from Strood who had cut off the tail of Thomas Becket's horse. Sebastian and Mary were recaptured after a week and taken back to Paris, where Sebastian was jailed. He served as a general during the Italian War of 1551-59, and he was also known as a womanizer at court. The courses of the dinner were brought up the hall on a moving table, with twelve men dressed as satyrs, with long tails, carrying lighted torches. He served as a general during the Italian War of 1551-59, and he was also known as a womanizer at court. She had written to him regularly throughout her imprisonment in … In Fated, Sebastian didn't like that his mother still wants him King to have Mary. Sebastian is someone who strongly believes in Love and everything it represents. It has been said that Margaret Carwood and Bastian accompanied the Queen when she rode to Dunbar Castle on 12 March 1566 after the murder of David Rizzio. Our Undoing 7. Mary had requested that Bastian join her at Lochleven Castle in July 1567, the English ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton noted that she had asked the Lords for, "an imbroiderer to draw forth suche work as she would be occupied about." [9] On the day of the banquet with satyrs, there had been fireworks directed by John Chisholm and the gunners Charles Bordeaux and James Hector with a pageant consisting of an assault on a mock castle by wildmen. From this later story it uncertain if Bastian was the lone rider.[20]. However, Bastian and his family remained with Mary at Chartley, probably because Christine was pregnant, and she had her child at Eastertime. Henry raised the young Mary, Queen of Scots, at his court, hoping to use her ultimately to establish a dynastic claim to Scotland. [43] Another embroiderer, Charles Pluvart, and Bastian and his family would remain with the Scottish queen to the end. The Heart of a Queen is a 1940 black and white German film that has a unique approach. Jacqui Rossi talks about Mary Queen of Scots reign from infancy, life in France and ultimate execution by Elizabeth I. He is the illegitimate son of Henry and his favorite mistress, Diane de Poitiers. [1] He was very cheeky with Mary Stuart when they were alone, not long after she arrived in France. [5], Melville criticised the diplomacy of the guests for taking offence, saying they should have pretended not to see the joke. Crowned at nine months, she was in the charge first of the Earl of Arran and then of her redoubtable mother, Mary of Guise, who was from one of the most powerful aristocratic families in France. Kane did research on the historical Mary Stuart in preparing for the role. Paget wrote to Mary on 4 January 1586 that he would try to introduce a Catholic priest into the house under the name of Master Alisson. Mary Queen of Scots, played powerfully by Ronan, was one of the most controversial rulers of her time and is perhaps the best-known figure in … https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Sebastian_de_Poitiers?oldid=326941. Bastian had been picking up the ambassador's letters from Nicolas, an Englishman employed as an interpreter, in St Paul's Church in Sheffield. Mary, byname Mary, Queen of Scots, original name Mary Stuart or Mary Stewart, (born December 8, 1542, Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian, Scotland—died February 8, 1587, Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England), queen of Scotland (1542–67) and queen … In their other hand the satyrs carried whips to clear the way in front. James Melville of Halhill wrote in his Memoirs that Bastian was responsible for an entertainment in the Great Hall of Stirling Castle which offended the English guests at the baptism of the future James VI. Paget's letter was intercepted, deciphered, copied, and signed on the back by Burghley, Hundsdon, Cobham, Shrewsbury and Walsingham.[44]. [23] Bastian returned to Scotland and was later arrested by the King's party the day after the Battle of Carberry Hill on 16 June 1567. When the table reached the stage, the satyrs passed their torches to bystanders. The 28 wildmen dressed in goats-skin were fought by fifteen soldiers dressed as landsknechts, moors, and devils, armed with two cannons. [15] The confessions of accomplices to the King's murder mention the torchlit procession of the Queen's retinue passing back down Blackfriar's Wynd to the wedding, which has become part of the enduring imagery of the night. Francis II, King of France. In 1559, Mary's husband ... Henry Stewart, Earl of Darnley. In 1542, while just six days old, Mary ascended to the Scottish throne upon the death of her father, King James V. Her mother sent her to be raised in the French court, and in 1558 she married the French dauphin, who became King Francis II of France in 1559 but died the following year. Sebastian never existed. The Queen's jailor, Amias Paulet, wrote to Francis Walsingham about the caution he would use employing midwives.[40]. [22] Bastian then went with Dolu to Dieppe in March 1567. 1 Queen Mary 2 Queen Catherine 3 King Henry 4 Prince Francis 5 Sebastian 6 Greer Norwood 7 Lady Kenna 8 Lady Lola 9 Nostradamus 10 Diane de Poitiers 11 Leith Bayard 12 Others 13 Related Pages 14 References Queen Mary: (to Francis) You are not the only one with a country to think of! The bishop found only one new detail in the letter, that one of Darnley's ribs was found to be broken. Bastian is first recorded at the Scottish court in 1565 when Mary and Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley bought him an elaborate and expensive suit of clothes costing over £100 Scots as a mark of their favour. Mary and he had a talk about Nostradamus' visions he admit he was the lion, a symbol chosen for himself like all other bastard-borns did, that fought Tomas, the dragon in the field of poppies. Toby Regbo was cast as Dauphin Francis before March 1, 2013, and British newcomer Celina Sinden was cast as Mary's lady-in-waiting Greer on that date. From this ancient story it had become proverbial in Europe that all Englishmen had secret tails. 174, Carpenter, Sarah, 'Performing Diplomacies: the 1560s Court Entertainments of Mary Queen of Scots,' in, National Archives of Scotland, E23/3/18, precept for taffeta for the baptism of James VI, signed by Mary and Bastian. [50] In her will of 7 February 1587, Queen Mary recommended that Mary Pagez should become a servant of the Duchess of Guise. Bastian Pagez was a French servant and musician at the court of Mary, Queen of Scots. [17] At the trial of Bothwell on 12 April 1567, a letter from Darnley's father, the Earl of Lennox, was submitted, which named Bastian, Joseph, and Charles Bordeaux, the French gunner who directed the fireworks at the baptism, as suspects who should be arrested.