Regie führte Joshua Michael Stern, der gemeinsam mit Jason Richman auch das Drehbuch schrieb. 1 Answer. He loved to fish by the lake he was going too forever. Yep, THAT dumb. Swing Vote, auch Swing Vote – Die beste Wahl, ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 2008. Regie führte Joshua Michael Stern, der gemeinsam mit Jason Richman auch das Drehbuch schrieb. The film Swing Vote follows Earnest Bud Johnson, called Bud, and Molly, his young, compelled daughter, who are in charge of this big decision. Am Ende gibt er seine Stimme ab; es bleibt jedoch offen, für welchen Kandidaten er sich letztendlich entschieden hat. 2 / 18 / 2020 Swing Vote Worksheet 1. town the movie is set (happens) in . For comparison, check out a non-swing state, like Wyoming. Test. Spiritual Elements. state the movie is set (happens) in. Join … a. swing voter Bedeutung, Definition swing voter: 1. someone who has not yet decided who to vote for in an election 2. someone who has not yet…. Relevance. Swing Vote By Lisa Schwarzbaum Updated August 08, 2008 at 04:00 AM EDT He never showed up at the election, so Molly slipped in and cast the vote … Terms in this set (16) New Mexico. Yahoo on nyt osa Verizon Mediaa. Bud’s uncensored use of foul language results in the frequent use of vulgarities, terms of Deity and one use of a sexual expletive. Im Film buhlen die mächtigsten Männer des Landes um die Stimme eines Mannes, dem sie sonst nie Beachtung schenken würden und der mit der Weltpolitik nicht viel anzufangen weiß. Swing Vote Video Guide. Why? Bud Johnson. Februar 2021 um 02:10 Uhr bearbeitet. Er vermeide Predigten genauso wie die Parteinahme für eine der beiden Parteien. pepsi. Bud is a poor man who is not very interested in politics. Write. Swing vote is a movie about two parties trying to get one person's vote. 2) Did Bud actually vote in the election? If I was in Bud's position I would cast my vote for Greenleaf because I felt even though Greenleaf was swayed by his campaign manager, he had morals. It is really bugging me and I would like to know. yarellanes. Lv 7. Get your answers by asking now. [4] In Wahrheit hat seine Tochter Molly versucht, für ihn zu wählen, was aber auf Grund einer technischen Panne schiefging und nicht bekannt wird. (1-2 Sentences) I believe that Bud is a democrat because he cares about the environment and about jobs. Der Film ist im Deutschen Handel auf DVD und Blu-ray erschienen. No, it couldn’t actually happen, but that doesn’t stop the plot of SWING VOTE from being an irresistible idea. retrodragonfly. Why did New Mexico law, not federal (government) law, decide how Bud should recast his vote? Leider betrinkt er sich fast täglich und weiß mit seinem Leben nicht so recht etwas anzufangen, dabei müsste er sich eigentlich um Molly, seine 12-jährige Tochter, kümmern. Swing Vote ist auf den ersten Blick ein demokratie-bejahender feel-good movie über die Wichtigkeit des Wählens, in dem sympathische Figuren nach Höhen und Tiefen ein Happy End erleben. a. I believe Bud is a democrat because he cares about the environment 2. elmerelwood. Who did Bud vote for in "Swing Vote"? When the election comes down to one vote, the … Molly Johnson. Boone used his position and power to attempt to win Bud's vote. Juli 2008, der Film sei eine „geniale Komödie mit vielsagenden Untertönen“. Do you think that Bud is a republican or a democrat? James Berardinelli schrieb auf ReelViews, der Film verbinde milde Satire mit einem Melodrama im Capra-Stil – was eine „überraschend gut funktionierende Formel“ ergebe. New Mexico’s law, not federal law, decides how Bud should recast his vote because the electoral votes are of New Mexico. In dieser Situation ist die noch nicht abgegebene Stimme Johnsons entscheidend, was das Interesse der Medien weckt. Die ganze Besetzung sei stark; Ebert gefalle besonders die Darstellung von Stanley Tucci in der Rolle eines Wahlkampfmanagers. Swing Vote is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for language. Play this game to review Government. 1 decade ago. The two party leaders, Andrew Boone (the leader of the Boone Party) and Donald Greenleaf (the leader of the Greenleaf party) will do anything to get Bud's vote. Who voted? Costner plays him as a hung-over loser who cares about only one pair of eyes, those of his 12-year-old daughter Molly. by yarellanes. The film "Swing Vote" starts with a regular guy named Bud (Earnest) Johnson, who lives in a town called Texico, New Mexico. 36 times. 75% average accuracy. It turns out Bud is the swing voter, and everybody wants a piece of him. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. Cast. (1-2 Sentences) Did Bud actually vote in the election? 1. [2][3] Gravity. The vote that will change America forever. Die Handlung gliedert sich in klar erkennbare, ca. By Tyler Durden. 9th - 12th grade. Still have questions? Do you think that Bud’s daughter is a Republican or a Democrat? Such votes are usually sought after in election campaigns, since they can play a big role in determining the outcome. Swing Vote DRAFT. 75% average accuracy. However his vote did not go through. Spell. 1. What election did the Broadcaster compare this presidential election to? None of those things, however, hint at Swing Vote‘s biggest positive message: Go vote! Stattdessen führt sie ihm den Haushalt und ist auch sonst ein sehr selbständiges Mädchen. Der Film ist im deutschen Handel auf DVD und Blu-ray erschienen.[2][3]. FinalFrontier 57,405 views Favorite Answer. [8][9], Der Regisseur Joshua Michael Stern setzt sich in dem Film mit der Frage auseinander, was es für Auswirkungen haben könnte, wenn wirklich jede einzelne Stimme zählt. Namely this hick has the single handed decision who becomes the President of the United States. So we have Bud, a redneck and all round failure at life (Especially to his daughter). A presidential race comes down to one vote, and that vote belongs to a guy who isn’t quite sure who’s running for office. Sie bittet ihn, seine Lebenseinstellung einmal zu überdenken. When Swing Vote was shown in theaters in the heat of the 2008 election, it was Hollywood’s version of Dennis Kucinich; full of old ideas and not very popular with anyone. (1-2 sentences) Who is the republican candidate for president? For Molly, Bud vows he will vote in this election. [IE, fewer votes for Biden than for Democrats down-ballot.] The film ends with Bud casting his vote, though for whom he voted is never revealed. Kevin Costner & Modern West - Gotta get away (song for Bud) - Swing Vote - Duration: 3:37. Bud Johnson gilt als nicht besonders erfolgreich, doch ist er im Ort sehr beliebt und ein herzensguter Mensch. Hillary Clinton. Why In Swing States, But Only Swing States, Did So Many Vote For Biden But Not For Other Democrat Candidates? As appearing in screen credits (main roles identified): Kevin Costner as Ernest "Bud" Johnson; Madeline Carroll as Molly Johnson, Bud's daughter; Paula Patton as Kate Madison, news reporter; Kelsey Grammer as President Andrew "Andy" Boone, Republican incumbent Do you think that Bud is a republican or a democrat? It’ll be hard for most folks to walk out of the theater without feeling like they’d be a miserably lazy failure of an American if they didn’t vote in the next election. Start studying Swing Vote Movie Answers. August 2008 in die Kinos der USA und spielte dort etwa 16,3 Millionen US-Dollar ein. 20-minütige Akte, er ist ohne aufwendige Effekte und überwiegend im ‚realistischen ‘ continuity editing gefilmt. [6], Der Film wurde in Albuquerque, in Santa Fe und einigen anderen Orten in New Mexico gedreht. Swing Vote. 0 0. [7] Er kam am 1. The analysis of the parties will be portrayed before Bud (the swing voter) was eve previously mentioned on a political scale. Kevin Costner plays the lead character named Bud Johnson. Inhaltsangabe: Bud Johnson (Kevin Costner) ist ein Mann, den man nicht wirklich beneiden kann. Why? Who voted? Swing Vote DRAFT. She is very passionate about the subject of politics and government. All das verursacht eine heillose Verwirrung. lovable loser who is the main male character of the movie, not interested in politics or government. Bud, who has never voted, was not even on the voter's list until Molly registered him as an Independent. Why does Bud think he can't vote? It doesn’t matter. The Democrats are committing voter fraud in the Swing states. It mostly matters on the swing states, in this case, New Mexico being one out of the three, for they have citizens with different viewpoints. Bud's daughter, Molly, wants him to cast his vote for the election. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Swing Vote - Die beste Wahl ein Film von Joshua Michael Stern mit Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper. In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. Swing Vote (2008) was directed by Joshua Michael Stern and co-written by Joshua Michael Stern and Jason Richman. Why does Bud think he can't vote? Tietoja laitteestasi ja internet-yhteydestä IP-osoitteesi mukaan lukien, Selaaminen ja hakutoiminnot Verizon Media -verkkosivustojen ja -sovellusten käytön aikana. SEABROOK: The flashing bulbs and media frenzy of a political firestorm. PLAY. 9th - 12th grade . The next day the Greenleaf party and the Boone party were tied with the exact same amount of votes. No massive flood of mysterious empty Biden votes. "Swing Vote" is comedy about a 12-year-old who winds up voting for president because her father was too drunk to do it himself. History. Swing Vote Rating & Content Info Why is Swing Vote rated PG-13? Trump: 193,454 GOP Sen: 197,961 Dif:4,507. 1. Answer Save. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who is soon to become a key swing vote for the Democrats in the United States Senate, told PBS's "Firing Line" that Congress should consider using the 14th Amendment's section 3, which provides a way for Congress to expel one of its own, to punish Republicans who objected to certifying the Electoral College vote. History. Mahdollistaaksesi tietojesi käsittelyn Verizon Median ja kumppaneidemme toimesta, valitse 'Hyväksyn', tai valitse 'Hallitse asetuksia' saadaksesi lisätietoja ja hallinoidaksesi vaihtoehtojasi. She takes care of her father, … Created by. Texico. 2 years ago. Learn. Edit. Match. Er sei „überraschend realistisch“ beim Porträtieren der Medienleute. Save. It's fraud. Während der Wahl des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten kommt es zu einer einmaligen Pattsituation zwischen dem republikanischen Amtsinhaber Andrew Boone und seinem demokratischen Herausforderer Donald Greenleaf. Why? STUDY. Johnson nimmt an politischen Debatten und Interviews teil, in denen er Standpunkte vertritt, die die Parteien sofort übernehmen, um seine Stimme zu bekommen – unter anderem unterstützen die Republikaner plötzlich die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe oder den Umweltschutz, während die Demokraten sich gegen die Abtreibung einsetzen, weil Bud sich im Interview „für das Leben“ ausgesprochen hatte. One night, Molly tells her dad that he must cast his vote, but he gets drunk and does not go to vote. Kelsey Grammer und Dennis Hopper bieten das für deren Rollen benötigte Charisma. 2 years ago. However a glitch in the Texico voting booth has … Voit vaihtaa valintasi milloin tahansa Yksityisyydenhallinta-asetuksissasi. Bud has a precocious daughter named Molly (played by Madeline Carroll). Who voted? Edit. Bud never showed up, so Molly slipped in and cast the vote for him, but the machine shut off half way through the process. [5], Roger Ebert schrieb in der Chicago Sun-Times vom 31. As a matter of fact, voting not only wasn’t his idea, it wasn’t even him who attempted to cast a ballot. Kevin Costner sei richtig besetzt („Kevin Costner is at home as the irascible Bud“), jedoch würde Madeline Carroll ihm und Paula Patton mehrere Szenen stehlen. A technical glitch in the voting process allows a man extra time to decide his vote for the President of the United States and his vote is the deciding one. The movie stars Kevin Costner, Medline Carroll, Paula Patton, and Kelsey Grammer. Save. Why? Did Bud actually vote in the election? Biden: 73,445 Dem Sen: 72,720 Dif: 725. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Dose anybody know who Bud voted for in the movie "Swing Vote"? Bud is a lazy, beer-drinking, slacker, who does the minimum necessary to get through life. One day his daughter decided to vote for him illegally. When most of the votes are counted, the candidate between Republican President Andrew Boone and his Democratic rival, Donald Greenleaf, who wins the swing state of New Mexico wins the White House. Flashcards. It was voting night, when Bud promised to meet Molly at the voting station to cast his vote. Edit. Swing Vote, auch Swing Vote Die beste Wahl, ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 2008. His daughter registers him to vote but then due to a fault with the voting booth he becomes the "Swing" voter. A swing vote is a vote that is seen as potentially going to any of a number of candidates in an election, or, in a two-party system, may go to either of the two dominant political parties. The vote belongs to Bud Johnson, an alcoholic egg inspector from New Mexico, who finds himself the focus of the eyes of the world. It was left to the watcher to infer, i just finished watching swing vote and personally i would of voted for GreenLeaf, or 'Don'. Lisätietoja tietojesi käytöstä antavat Tietosuojakäytäntö ja Evästekäytäntö. Me ja kumppanimme säilytämme ja/tai käytämme tietoja laitteeltasi evästeiden ja vastaavien tekniikoiden avulla henkilökohtaisten mainosten ja sisällön näyttämiseen, mainosten ja sisällön mittaamiseen, yleisön näkemyksiin ja tuotekehitykseen. Swing Vote Reflection Questions 1) Do you think that Bud is a republican or a democrat? Taking matters into her own hands, Molly tries to vote for Bud … Kevin Costner's new movie is about a presidential election that literally comes down to one man, one vote. [10], Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The problem is we never see who Bud chooses to be President of the United States. Ask Question + 100. Played 36 times . You are left to wonder and come up with your own conclusion.