Goal Roll (Japanese: スマッシュゴール Smash Goal) is in essence a four-way soccer match with three Pokémon on each team. One Pokémon is controlled at a time. A Power Shot launches the ball farther, and being hit by a Power Shot will raise a Pokémon's fatigue depending on its Stamina, the shooter's Power, and how far the ball traveled before hitting the Pokémon. The Pokéathlon was confirmed to have started in Johto, with the current Pokéathlon being the first to be held in Sinnoh. Each lamp gives points equal to one plus the number of lamps already touched in that jump, to a maximum of five (so, for example, touching 8 lamps in one jump will grant 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25 points total). A Pokemon that has obtained all medals will have a ribbon and will be called a Medalist Pokemon. Fatigue is restored by standing still. Go! For each Pok�mon that has alternate forms, those forms also have different Pok�athlon stats. I did not know that He was so powerful. This is the first event in the Stamina competition, the only competition it is a part of. The pokeathalon is probably the best new thing in HG/SS besides the pokemon following you around The pokeathlon prize exchange booth is the best place to find a dusk stone on Pokemon soulsilver. Tapping a Pokémon with the stylus will cause it to make a snowball, and flicking the stylus throws the snowball in the direction of the flick. Zacian_is_best_(duh) on June 18, 2020: I like ash’s greninja cuz it’s OP and is speed is so good. If it hits an opponent, the opponent is pushed back some distance, which is determined by the tackler's Power stat, the opponent's Stamina stat, and the opponent's fatigue level. If a Pokémon's fatigue gets too high, it will faint, making it unable to do anything for a few seconds. Like in Contests, four competitors participate at once; however, each uses a team of three Pokémon instead of only one. Pokémon that have a speed boost will have a blue wind tunnel appear around them. This page details each Pok�mon's stats. Accepted Answer. Pokémon can try to push opponents out of the circles, with a high Power stat granting more pushing ability. Fatigue is also gained upon collision with another Pokémon, which also stuns both Pokémon for a moment, though the Pokémon in front is stunned for a shorter time (and afterwards, it gets a small boost). … It offered strategy, let you play a more active mini-game, and gave non-meta Pokemon a chance to shine. A player may not earn more than 200 Athlete Points even if their Pokémon ran more than 20 laps. The Pokeathlon is by and large the best alternate Pokemon competition. Le principe du Pokéathlon est simple, le joueur doit gagner des épreuves en utilisant ses Pokémon. If you ram another Pokemon from behind, you'll steal their pennants. Pokémon with high fatigue will start to sweat, reducing their movement speed and eliminating their ability to dash. Le… The Pokeathlon is by and large the best alternate Pokemon competition. ... Those contestant's pokemon honestly.....> my Pokemon somehow. This event appears as the second event in the Speed competition and as the third event in the Skill competition. For his final challenge, Gold enters the Power Course with Aibo, Polibo, and Exbo. The Trainer with the highest score wins, with a tie settled with a random draw by the Pokéathlon host. Pokémon can fall off or be knocked off the pier, returning to the field of play about 3 seconds after falling. Pokémon who are switched out gradually have their fatigue restored. Die Werte lassen sich jedoch durch einen Aprikodrink (produziert vom Aprikoshaker) steigern. In the anime, the Pokéathlon consists of three events chosen at random from a list of 10 potential events. This event lasts for 60 seconds. At the end of the Pokéathlon, the bonus points are calculated first. That was why I wasted a lot of pokeballs that day. In addition, as a Pokémon runs, it gets fatigued. This event is exclusive to the Power Competition, in which it appears second. so this is the best Pokemon team you will know as on of the top 20's that has no legendary in this team! Unlike the games, Professor Elm was in charge of the Pokéathlon instead of Maximo. If Johto comes back, the Pokeathlon is a must. It is best to get a good rhythm with this so that your Pokémon can get into the groove and hit the blocks successfully Small patches of rocks will greatly slow any Pokémon that crosses them, and Pokémon who hit the larger gray rocks will bounce backwards off them. This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 09:02. These obstacles are always placed such that a Pokémon never has a clear, perfectly straight path from one lap to the next. Go! Initially, Jet gets the upper hand in the first two challenges, but is eventually defeated in Relay Run, which gives Gold enough points to win. A Pokéathlon was held in Camellia Town in Sinnoh in A Marathon Rivalry!. Score is determined directly by the number of blocks broken. If a Pokémon gets too fatigued, it faints for a few seconds, during which it cannot break blocks or switch out. The Pokéathlon was created to celebrate this Trainer's achievement; the sports are meant to represent the obstacles the Trainer had to go through in order to find the cure. If a Pokémon jumps while a disc is flying above it, the disc is caught. The Pokéathlon appeared in Pocket Monsters HeartGold & SoulSilver Go! The boosts stack, and a Pokémon that gets four such boosts will have its wind tunnel turn red; this indicates the maximum possible speed boost. Here, Pokémon must leap into the air towards a grid of lamps, touching as many as possible to score points while avoiding collisions with each other. The filled in stars are their base stats and the total amount shows their maximum. A ball starts in the center of the field; balls can be either small and white, or (less commonly) large and golden. The fifth and sixth rounds have three circles each, one worth 3 points and two worth 5 points. A score of 3 points earns the player the 1st place event record, and a score of 9 points earns the player a Potential trophy. Previous Generations See the discussion at PokéCommunity! A score of 70 earns the player the 1st place event record, and a score of 100 earns the player a Potential trophy. However, pushing other Pokémon can make a Pokémon fatigued or temporarily faint if done too much. For the Pokéathlon, each Pokémon has a set amount of stats for … Please read the. Depending on the region the disc was caught it, teams score either 1, 2, 3, or 5 points per disc caught. What did you think of the Pokeathlon? Switching out a Pokémon restores its fatigue over time. Pokémon score points for their team by being the last one to touch a ball before it enters the goal of an opposing team. The danger in this event comes not from opponents, but from the player's own Pokémon — if two Pokémon collide (either in midair or on the ground), they are both stunned and cannot jump for several seconds, though they can still touch lamps if already in midair. A perfect score will yield 198 Athlete Points. This event is the first in the Skill competition, the only competition it is part of. There are three events for each course. Ditto: 2-2-2-2-2, total 10. We're updating our policies! In All About Arceus II, Lance recited to Bugsy the history of the Pokéathlon's creation. Dragging a Pokémon with the stylus moves it, and tapping a Pokémon causes it to jump. If Johto comes back, the Pokeathlon is a must. Ring Drop (Japanese: リングアウトファイト Ring-Out Fight) is somewhat based on sumo, however, it is between four Pokéathletes at a time, rather than two. In Out-Odding Oddish, Gold went to the Pokéathlon to meet up with Lance and get information about Arceus for Professor Oak. It's similar to the beauty contests and the pokeblocks in the other games. Pokéathlon Pokémon. The tale consisted of an island plagued by illness and a Pokémon Trainer setting off to find a Mythical Pokémon that could give them the cure. Pok�mon Battle TrozeiPok�mon Link: Battle, Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad, Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness, Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom. However, you have to raise their stats with Aprijuice. Best Overall Pokemon for Pokeathlon. Ash joined the competition using his Monferno and Pikachu for Disc Catch and Hurdle Dash, respectively. Relay Run is the third and final course of the Speed competition and the second course of the Stamina competition. This event lasts for 90 seconds. Flicking the stylus will cause the Pokémon to do a tackle in that direction. Discs are constantly thrown towards the pier. DO THIS! This event lasts for 30 seconds. Best Prices On Pokemon TCG Online Codes With Automatic Email Delivery Gratis Versand und eBay-Käuferschutz für Millionen von Artikeln.Einfache Rückgaben. If time runs out as a Pokémon is depositing its flags, all the flags will still count towards the score. If its fatigue gets even higher, the Pokémon faints, becoming immobile for a few seconds. Any snowballs that collide with each other destroy each other, regardless of size. These games were released 10 years after the original versions on the Game Boy Color so think of them as an enhanced remake rather than a brand-new game. Parcours Habileté 4. A win will earn the Trainer an additional 100 points (300 points in the Supreme Cup or 500 points in Link Pokéathlon), which can be spent on prizes at the Athlete Shop or Data Cards with which the player may see records of various actions, course wins and losses, and multiple other statistics in the Pokéathlon Dome. ", at which point a second ball is placed on the field and both balls are played simultaneously. Scoring is determined by the number of snowballs that make contact with the opponent's Pokémon. Pokéathlon Is there seriously no Pokeathlon thread yet? Sunkern: 3-1-1-1-2, total 8. I'm currently working on the Pokeathlon right now in my HG game. Pokéathlon‎, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Pokéathlon&oldid=3323214, Hurdle Dash, Pennant Capture, and Relay Run, Snow Throw, Goal Roll, and Pennant Capture, Damage to an opponents' Stamina by a collision, Running endurance and resistance to collision damage, Ability to smash blocks (# of Hits to smash a Block), Dribbling ability and endurance of Power Shot, Power Shot Damage and ability to stop a Power Shot, Resistance to Power Shot Damage and ability to recover from fatigue and fainting, 10 bonus Athlete Points for having a higher score than exactly one opponent, 20 bonus Athlete Points for having a higher score than exactly two opponents, 40 bonus Athlete Points for having a higher score than all opponents. Courses A-E offer two medals dependent on the name of the course. Tapping a Pokémon with the stylus will cause it to jump, with Pokémon tapped just before jumping a hurdle gaining a speed boost. You are given 20 sport balls and are allowed 20 minutes to try to catch the best bug pokémon you can. In the first round, there is one large circle worth 1 point. Pokémon also get fatigued when they are hit by tackles, which decreases their resistance to launching. Whenever a ball enters a goal, it disappears and a new ball is immediately placed on the field near the center. Like the Contest conditions and battle stats, a Pokémon's performance stats are affected by its Nature (more directly so, like the battle stats, than the condition). The Pokéathlon was a qualifying match, with the winner moving on to compete in the regional competition. One of five courses can be chosen, each representing a single performance stat. Providing many Pokemon locations you need, rare pokemon, 100IV pokemon, high CP pokemon. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Let's talk about it. Instead of three, there are four events with each course. Pokémon can also be pushed off the stage entirely; if this happens, that Pokémon returns to the ring after the current round finishes. Scoring a total time of 100 seconds or less will give the player the 1st place record for the event, and scoring 80 seconds or less will give the player a Potential trophy. His opponents this time are three of the Elite Four, Bruno, Koga, and Will. These consist of four different categories: The challenge bonus is a bonus that measures the "fighting spirit" of a Pokéathlon team. A player may not earn more than 200 Athlete Points even if they scored more than 134. Pokémon Go coordinate. Like the five stats introduced for Contests, five additional stats, called performance stats, were added for the Pokéathlon: Speed, Power, Skill, Stamina, and Jump. Once the Trainer and their Pokémon became one, only then did Celebi, the Mythical Pokémon they had been searching for, tell them the cure. As I'm participating in them more and more, I've quickly realized which events are my best/worst: Worst: Snow Throw (Absolutely HATE this one), Pennant Capture Best: Block Smash, Goal Roll, Circle Push Now I'm asking you guys that, if you do take part in the Pokeathlon, which events you're good at, and which ones … Hurdle Dash - no hurdles were broken by the Pokémon. The Pokeathlon is by and large the best alternate Pokemon competition. All three Pokémon are controlled simultaneously. If there is a tie, all Pokémon who tied are awarded the bonus, even if they are on the same team. There are three events for each course. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Quagsire, Slowbro, Vileplume, Wobbuffet, Shuckle, and Ursaring. Next, he tries the Stamina Course, which he beats with Aibo, Polibo, and Exbo again. strayfang007 10 years ago #1. The only real consensus out there on the best Pokémon game is that there is no best Pokémon game. Certains Pokémon sont plus aptes que d'autres à concourir à une épreuve (voir la liste)Ces épreuves sont classées en cinq catégories, ou cinq parcours : 1. Tempo 2. 1. get three pokemon who have good skill stats. in the Pokeathlon Dome? Gold's fourth challenge takes him to the Speed Course, where he is pit up against the top athlete Jet. We Have All The Pokemon TCG Online Products All Here In One Website. Gold manages to defeat it and realizes that the Dragonite actually belonged to Lance, which meant that they were attacked before they could get to the Dome. In each of the events, it means the following: This is a 20-point bonus given to the Pokémon with the highest individual score. I like having another use for the Apricorns. A Pokemon can only hold up to nine flags at any one time, so once you have obtained your quota, head back to the starting line and you'll swap out for the next Pokemon in your lineup. They manage to easily win the first two rounds, but Gold ends up the victor in Block Smash by utilizing High Tension mode. The Pokeathlon Dome, where the competitions are held, is north of Goldenrod City, next to the National Park. A Pokémon who is very fatigued will start to sweat, and a Pokémon who is extremely fatigued will faint, becoming immobile and losing a great deal of launch resistance for a few seconds. This is also done on the Touch screen by tapping the blocks. This article was written by Reddit user u/thisismydecoyaccount.. What’s the best game to Nuzlocke? Parcours Saut Les différents Pokémon possèdent des caractéristiques indiquées dans leur résumé par des étoiles, on retrouve alors des aptitudes aux différents parcours. The Bug Catching contest is a chance to try to catch the best bug pokémon in the park. The pokeathlon is located north of goldenrod city in the johto region. The Pokéathlon is handled similarly to Pokémon Contests and Super Contests in the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions, as a sidequest to complete while the player challenges the Gyms and the Pokémon League. When a Pokémon falls off the ring or is switched out, the next Pokémon takes its place, spawning in the team's corner. No points are deducted if a Pokémon is knocked out of the ring by an opponent, but if a Pokémon throws itself out of the ring, its team is penalised 10 points (to a minimum of 0). This is the first event in the Jump competition, which it is exclusive to. Disc Catch (Japanese: キャッチソーサー Catch Saucer) features the twelve Pokéathletes lined up on a small pier in the middle of the water, where they must catch discs that are thrown through the air at them. There are six rounds, each shorter than the last, with several numbered circles. A Pokémon can be moved by dragging it with the stylus. Only one Pokémon is allowed to compete in each event. Pokémon - HeartGold Version is the alternate to the SoulSilver Version and both were released on the Nintendo DS all the way back in 1999. Parcours Force 3. This event lasts for 60 seconds. The three Pokémon automatically run forward. There are also obstacles on the field, as well as parasols that sometimes hide flags under them. Pokémon can also collide with each other. Scoring is determined by the total number of laps run. During High Tension mode, the Pokémon no longer gains fatigue and is now capable of destroying multiple blocks per hit until it switches out or a limited amount of time has passed (after which the Pokémon immediately has high fatigue). The Pokéathlon Dome, where the competitions are held, is north of Goldenrod City, next to the National Park. Scoring 40 points earns the player the 1st place event record, and scoring 70 points earns the player a Potential trophy. The opponents are slightly harder, but Trainers who get in first place here will earn a bonus 300 points instead of the regular 100. Beating the records for all 10 of the events in the Pokéathlon increases the Trainer Card level in HeartGold and SoulSilver. 4th Gen Do you like the Pokeathlon? Das heißt, dass, wenn ein Pokémon für die jeweilige Disziplin gute Werte hat, es dafür gut geeignet ist, hat es aber schlechte Werte in dem Bereich, wird es für den Trainer mit dem Pokémon schwer, Punkte zu machen. Guys, the Pokeathlon is awesome. If a Pokémon rams an opponent from behind, the rammed Pokémon is stunned for a moment and gives up to two flags to the attacker (if a Pokémon does not have enough flags, all its flags are given). Lamp Jump - the Pokémon did not faint from colliding with another Pokémon. Teams earn points by landing tackles and jumps, and by knocking opponents out of the ring. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Raichu, Machamp, Meganium, Tangrowth, Poliwrath, and Tyranitar. You control one Pokémon at a time and you need to destroy the blocks in front of your Pokémon. This event lasts for 90 seconds. Fatigued Pokémon are more likely to be stunned by Power Shots (causing them to spin around, stunned). Goal Roll - the Pokémon never fainted from being hit by balls, and the Pokémon never shot a ball into its own goal. Now for Snorlax it has high attack, Heath and special defences so it's a long lasting Pokemon. Folgende Werte gibt es: 1. … If Sinnoh comes back… find a place to put an arena in. This event lasts for 60 seconds. This is the third event in the Power competition and the second event in the Skill competition. The number of laps run is then multiplied by ten to get the Athlete Point score for the event (e.g. This is the second event in the Jump competition, the only competition it appears in. Pokémon seen in the Pokéathlon which have not been seen before are not recorded in the, The only Pokémon that has Pokéathlon stats where each one is a different level is. If Sinnoh comes back... find a place to put an arena in. The blocks can be broken by tapping them on the touchscreen, with the Power stat determining the number of times each block must be tapped before breaking. ... Register now and join one of the best places on the 'net to talk Pokémon and more! There are too many differing opinions on Pokémon design, region, gameplay mechanics and visuals, and with nostalgia playing a major role, there’s no one right answer. Circle Push - the Pokémon was inside a circle in all six rounds. Below are the Pokeathlon stats for every Pokémon available in HeartGold/SoulSilver. Relay Run - the Pokémon never fainted - became too tired to run. After Gold tells everyone the real reason why he came to compete, a Dragonite attacks the Pokéathlon Dome. A player may not earn more than 200 Athlete Points even if they scored more than 66 hits. If a Pokémon moves into another Pokémon (friend or foe), the two Pokémon bounce off each other, being propelled a short distance that varies based on Power and Stamina stats. One of five courses can be chosen, each representing a single performance stat. Relay Run (Japanese: チェンジリレー Change Relay) has Pokéathletes race each other around a circular track, trying to complete as many laps as they can in the allotted time. Your Team's Flag - 200 switches This room contains a medal case again. Lamp Jump (Japanese: バウンドフィールド Bound Field) is a game similar to pachinko, only using the Pokéathletes themselves, rather than balls. Breaking blocks raises a Pokémon's fatigue based on its Stamina and Skill. By winning events in the Pokéathlon, the participating Pokémon will earn medals for their species. HGSS gave us the Pokeathlon, a side quest where you could enter your Pokemon in various sporting events. He starts with the Skill Course, which he enters with Aibo, Polibo, and Exbo and succeeds in beating it. A set of obstacles will be randomly placed on the track that the Pokémon must avoid. They must each attempt to stay inside of the circles projected onto the field, all while keeping others out. A total of 30 hits earns the player the 1st place event record, and a total of 55 hits earns the player a Potential trophy. Flags will appear and re-appear on the field in pre-set positions, generally forming paths that go along the two sides of the sandbox, as well as up the center. Did you try to beat all the event records and unlock all the trophies, rooms, etc. User Info: strayfang007. Running 12 laps will earn the player the 1st place event record, and running 16 laps will earn the player a Potential trophy. I have three medalist Pokemon right now, I've unlocked two rooms, I need to best two more mini-games to get into a third room, and I've completed the jump challenge and the switch challenge (the first normally, the second by going into Power and clicking switch the entire time … According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Ledian, Clefairy, Alakazam, Meowth, Jolteon, and Sneasel. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Typhlosion, Steelix, Poliwrath, Nidoqueen, Muk, and Snorlax. Next: We Need A Hello Kitty Animal Crossing Game The arena is striated with four regions, and catching a disc awards points based on which region it was caught in (the further the disc is allowed to travel before being caught, the more points are awarded for the catch). The number of points is then multiplied by 3 to get the Athlete Point score for the event. If Johto comes back, the Pokeathlon is a must. Pokémon can be switched out, but only when the Pokémon is near the team's starting corner. Athlete Points for the event are simply equal to the number of blocks broken. Mew, Sunkern, Ditto and Giratina-O work. Pokémon always respawn in the same place regardless of where they fall from, depending on their team color and where in the team order they were placed. Also, each block has one or two small cracks on it. Annoyed that Lance isn't coming after all, Gold takes Dragonite for safe keeping and heads off to Ecruteak City. One point is added for each goal scored with a white ball, while two points are added for a goal scored with a golden ball. A total score of 40 points will earn the player the 1st place event record, and a score of 60 points will earn the player a Potential trophy. The number of flags is then multiplied by 3 to obtain the Athlete Point score for the event. Pokeathlon beste Pokémon. Throughout all the newest additions added to Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, the Pokeathlon Dome was probably the most unique. Their Trainers earn points for the competition based on how well the team did and if they qualified for any of the several bonuses. 15.5 laps becomes 155 points). All three Pokémon are controlled simultaneously. Pokéathlon‎. Pokémon can either roll the ball slowly by moving into it, or perform a Power Shot by dashing into it. Pokémon are moved by flicking them towards the right with the stylus. Your score will only increase once you've deposited your pennants at the starting line. Score is converted to Athlete Points as follows: A player may not earn more than 200 Athlete Points even if they scored more than 20 (assuming this is the highest of the four scores). Flicking the stylus causes a Pokémon move in that direction (and also to face that direction, which is relevant for stealing flags). If even more cracks are tapped, the aura will turn red, indicating that Tension has maxed out and the selected Pokémon has entered into High Tension mode. For the Pok�athlon, each Pok�mon has a set amount of stats for each category. There are some types of pokémon here that can't be caught anywhere else in HeartGold or SoulSilver. A team of 3 Arceus holding Draco Plates will yield the lowest possible score (75 - 23 * 3 = 6). (my high score using this is 76!!!!!) Once the National Pokédex is obtained and the player has talked with Magnus in the Friendship Room, the Supreme Cup is unlocked. It is even possible for a Pokémon to bounce off a hurdle when it would ordinarily crash-land by tapping the Pokémon the instant it touches the hurdle — in this manner, it is not slowed down and may even get a speed boost. Für den Pokéathlon haben die Pokémon bestimmte Leistungs-Werteund je nach Disziplin werden jeweils zwei bis vier dieser Werte dem Pokémon abverlangt. Using the Apriblender, Aprijuice can be made and used to boost or lower these Performance Stats. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Meganium, Raichu, Granbull, Hitmontop, Tangrowth, and Tyranitar. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Scyther, Pikachu, Ledian, Bellossom, Ambipom, and Politoed. Pennant Capture - no flags were taken from the Pokémon via tackling. Block Smash - the Pokémon never fainted - became too tired to smash blocks. Snow Throw (Japanese: シューティングスノー Shooting Snow) is an all-out snowball fight between the four teams of Pokémon, with each throwing snowballs at any of the members of the other three teams in order to knock them out for points. One Pokémon is controlled at a time. If a Pokémon has just spawned, it is immune to any form of contact with opposing Pokémon until either 2 seconds pass or it moves. 30 seconds from the end of the event, the timer on the top screen disappears and is replaced by the words "Second wind! Once all Pokémon have crossed the finish line, the event is over, and the finish times for the three Pokémon are added together to obtain a total time for each team. 3. they should be hitting the pokemon on the left the farthest from you 4. Athlete Points for this event are calculated based on the points received for caught discs, such that Athlete Points = 30 + 120*points / (12.5+points) (rounded down). EeveeGirl on June 13, 2020: In pokemon go after battling i get a reward to get megagross. All three Pokémon are controlled simultaneously. re: Pokeathlon Aprijuice You can make your own, which can be better or worst then the pre-made ones, by using your own Apricorns. If the player taps multiple cracks in succession, the Pokémon will radiate a blue aura (known as Tension) for a while which will affect the entire team. Block Smash (Japanese: ブレイクブロック Break Block) sets four Pokéathletes, one from each team, against a stack of ten cement blocks. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Togepi, Oddish, Venonat, Electrode, Rapidash, and Dratini. Pokémon compete by tackling each other, trying to knock opponents out of the ring while staying in the ring themselves. According to Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the top six recommended Pokémon are Golbat, Crobat, Jumpluff, Voltorb, Skarmory, and Aerodactyl. The lower the stats of a team, the higher this bonus. Hurdle Dash (Japanese: ダッシュハードル Dash Hurdle) pits the twelve competing Pokéathletes against one another in a race down a track, with hurdles standing every so often for the Pokémon to jump over. If there is a tie, all Pokémon who tied are awarded the bonus, even if they are on the same team. Circle Push (Japanese: プッシュサークル Push Circle) features all twelve Pokéathletes on the field at once. Dangerously high fatigue is indicated by the "switch" button blinking red. When its fatigue is high enough, it starts to sweat and becomes much slower. Pokéathlon‎ manga, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Pocket Monsters HeartGold & SoulSilver Go! This episode showcased the Disc Catch, Lamp Jump, and Hurdle Dash events, with the other seven events also shown in the episode via a poster.