A triple bypass is more serious than a double, and a quadruple is near death. When the pancreas … I made the decision to put him down right then and there. Does this mean I offer the same prognosis for a tiny Chihuahua as I would for a Great Dane if both were diagnosed with a 2cm oral melanoma tumor? It's normal for a new rescue dog to be guarded when you first bring her home. Remember: Using others' images on the web without their permission may be bad manners, or worse, copyright infringement. A doctor may use this term when he or she is unsure if the patient will be able to recover. When we focus too much on specific prognostic factors, we lose sight of the bigger picture. Unfortunately, many times prognostic factors fail to provide clinically relevant information. It is unknown whether the dog will or will not survive. Feeding Kittens 101: What to Feed, How Much, and How Often. My Ray was put down just last Wednesday. I think I am going through the denial phase of the grieving process. Logically, we can make sense of the concept that the larger a tumor is, the more impacting it would be for the pet. Most studies investigating various cancers in pets include an analysis of specific prognostic factors in some capacity. Hi all, wondering if anyone could tell me what it means to have a guarded prognosis? Your prognosis is your outlook or your chance of recovery from breast cancer. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. prognosis would be poor, guarded or grave to meet this definition): (1) have a behavioral or temperamental characteristic that poses a health or safety risk or otherwise makes the animal unsuitable for placement as a pet, and are not likely to become At first glance, one might assume dogs with nosebleeds have more aggressive tumors, or are sicker from their disease. Prognostic factors could help estimate a patient’s survival time, chance of success with a particular treatment plan, or risk for recurrence of disease following surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Someone who's guarded is careful, restrained, and maybe a little bit wary. I have yet to meet a physician or nurse who knew what the term “guarded condition” meant. Dailymotion,  Large images may take a few minutes to appear. Metacafe,  The cobblestone type of rectal tumor is a wide-ba… Source(s): vet tech for 10 years. That is exactly what I needed. New and better treatments are helping people diagnosed with breast cancer live longer than ever before. Prognostic factors are characteristics possessed by a patient, its tumor, or both. He was only 8 and a boxer mix. For dogs being treated with chemotherapy, those who have a B-cell phenotype tend to have a longer lifespan than dogs with a T-cell phenotype. When a patient has a guarded prognosis, he or she has an acute illness. He didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Dogs with disease in many locations in their bodies, dogs responding poorly to treatment, and dogs who have progressive disease in the face of medication, carry the most guarded prognoses. It commonly appears in news releases, particularly those describing the medical condition of some currently hospitalized famous person. I urge owners to keep this in mind when considering pursuing treatment for their pet with cancer. Uncategorized what does guarded prognosis mean. There are many new medications and technologies today. Prognostic factors could help estimate a patient’s survival time, chance of success with a particular treatment plan, or risk for recurrence of disease following surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. I would argue that a bleeding nose is a negative prognostic factor for a dog with a nasal tumor primarily because the nosebleed is perceived as producing a negative impact on the pet’s quality of life. I'm unable to discuss what happened in real life, so being able to sob and type at the same time is an easier sense of release. His ultrasound showed tumors in his lungs, heart, liver and spleen. Thanks guys. However, I am clear that most of those dogs are euthanized because of the physical issues caused by the nosebleed itself, rather than because of outward signs of pain, illness, or other concerns. Veterinary patients exist on an enormous spectrum of shapes and dimensions, therefore tumor size must be interpreted in light of patient size. I am so sorry for your loss of Emily, and hate to see people go through the guilt and questioning of what they did. For example, immunophenotype is a prognostic factor for dogs with lymphoma. For example, age was shown to be a prognostic factor for dogs with osteosarcoma in one research study, but had no impact on survival in another. Understanding Veterinary Lingo: What is a 'Prognostic Factor'? Logic dictates that although tumor size would be important, so would the size of the mouth hosting the tumor. Supported videos include: Generalizations are valuable to an extent, but they cannot predict individual response. If a dog is experiencing any serious respiratory symptoms or decline in their health, this is often a sign that the cancer is severe or it … Oh, you probably *didn't* ask every possible question right after they dropped that bombshell into your life. I hope you can take some solice in the fact that so many people are feeling the way you are at this exact moment, and we all want to remember our loved ones together. I’m also humble enough to remember that every animal is a uniquely created organism with unpredictable responses and outcomes, and that treating the individual is far more important than treatments based solely on statistics and probabilities. Sweetmeli, I hope you are finding peace. Vimeo,  Much weight is given to the statistical significance of prognostic factors and they largely influence meaningful medical decisions, including those related to life and death. I always consider known prognostic factors when making recommendations about my patients' care. We’ll use the term stable somewhat frequently, especially with individual disease states, but try to avoid pigeonholing patients into grave, critical and serious. Sign in to receive recommendations . I have witnessed many animals survive much longer than many have predicted. Cat Nutrition: What Makes a Nutritional Cat Food? Many features may not work properly without it. Sometimes you need someone else to be the voice of reason. I know it is tough to second-guess the decisions because I too have done this. As another example, data tells me the tumor size is a prognostic factor for dogs with oral melanoma, with differences in outcome for dogs with tumors less than 2cm, those with tumors between 2-4cm, and those with tumors >4cm. My instructor wasn't there and the unit was busy so it wasn't a good time to ask the nurses. Prognostic factors have value, but they certainly aren’t the bottom line. Most of us are 1) in total shock and terror when we hear that, and 2) most of us don't have medical expertise. Yet clinically, my observations tell me this is untrue. My patients are more than a simple set of descriptive values or categorical characteristics. I think a "very guarded" prognosis means it's likely pretty bad, but not impossible for it to be ok. My understanding is that they can't definitively diagnose hemangiosarcoma without removing the spleen & tumor and doing the pathology. Dogs with nasal tumors who experience nosebleeds have a significantly shorter survival time than dogs without nosebleeds (88 days vs. 224 days). They have a questionable outlook. “critical” means that their injuries are so severe, they could die at any moment. Acronyms. Posted on 08/01/2021 by 08/01/2021 by I'm so sorry for your loss. Save as Favorite. A particular characteristic determined to be a statistically significant prognostic factor in one study can be refuted with additional study. This type of patient usually will require critical care, or some other treatment in the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU). I went to the hospital today to collect my pt assignment/information for clinical tomorrow and I read in the doctor's notes that the pt's "prognosis is guarded." Facebook. This is one of the most severe and life-threatening of the fungal diseases, and the prognosis for your dog is guarded to grave. Prognostic factors are designed to help owners and veterinary oncologists decide on the need for additional testing, potential treatment options, and also to provide a realistic expectation of outcome. If you have a question or comment on the article above the please feel free to leave us a reply below. The last one I really have trouble with is the issue of “how many years do I have left?” I’ve been out of medical school for 16 years and I’m still baffled about how this prediction is made. Note: Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. But-- even if you *had* asked 100 salient questions, the outcome would be the same. Some owners will therefore base their decision to pursue treatment based solely on the result of the phenotype testing. The nosebleed also negatively impacts the owner’s lifestyle, as these events can be dramatic, messy, and difficult to manage. What Does Prognosis Mean? YouTube,  If your URL is correct, you'll see an image preview here. Many people think of a guarded prognosis as another way to say that the patient is in poor or serious condition. Prognostic factors are designed to help owners and veterinary oncologists decide on … They predict the likely course of the cancer, and ultimately, your pet's prognosis, or final outcome. In an ICU/CCU, it means (not always) that they could be on a ventilator, dialysis machine, bypass machine, or any number of machines to keep them alive. No owner wants to hear these words because they are usually followed by “Should we continue treatment?” I hope you are not in this situation now but you will need to consider quality of life, expense, and the odds. When their quality of life declines, owners may consider euthanasia to end their suffering. Dogs with severe pancreatitis, including frequent, acute attacks, have a guarded prognosis. I think a "very guarded" prognosis means it's likely pretty bad, but not impossible for it to be ok. Leer esta página en español. Guarded prognosis means there is a small chance that your cat may be cured or live. People tend to be guarded in certain situations — when they're being criticized, or are at a party where they don't know a single person. I still explain to owners of dogs with nasal tumors and nosebleeds that research tells me their dog’s expected lifespan is about three months. However, relapses are seen often, especially if therapy is not followed through to completion or is shortened. They predict the likely course of the cancer, and ultimately, your pet's prognosis, or final outcome. Nothing anyone can say will take away this pain, but being new to this message board, so many comforting words have really helped me. Guarded prognosis, serious condition mean the same. If your dog is diagnosed with lung cancer due to an immediate respiratory crisis as a result of the cancer, their prognosis is poor. guarded. A Guarded Prognosis. They have a questionable outlook. The chances for improvement are small. Easily create a Forum Website with Website Toolbox. Many dogs will improve following oral anti-fungal medication. I have met several intensive care unit personnel who have used the term, but they could not define it or tell me where the definition might be found. Good Luck. The vet at the animal hospital told me it was "hemangiosarcoma"......I didn't even ask, I knew it was cancer. Many dogs will improve following oral anti-fungal medication. But even those who do have medical training can go numb, our minds stop working in those first minutes.