A nice one. “I would comfort you – soothe you – tranquillize you. Would you be kind enough to translate the following for me? I want to thank you for your article that helped me to get back with my Romanian partner. A bit stronger and maybe this is what you are looking for is "Te voi iubi întotdeauna" which means "I will always / forever love you". Uncover mysteries from your wings Наш перевод на русский язык будет прямым, мы не планируем использовать автоматические инструменты перевода. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and emotions with us! Letter 2. If it be I grow frail and weak, Hello, I was wondering how would you write a Romanian accent. I have a character whose first language is Romanian and I am having a hard time trying to show that the said character would say things. It is the most used writing system in the world today. Nu o să mai fiu puternic. If you'd like to improve your writing, I can find a solution as long as your texts can be published on a page on this website, I'll be happy to correct them and explain what was wrong. We are not there yet though. It is not essential for you to be a good writer in order to write such a letter. This is a great Romanian love poem. Nu-mi zice să o fac pentru noi. I live in Bucharest. To them, I offer blunt advice ⏤ get over it. Când te vei trezi în tihna dimineții, I will be the swift uplifting rush Your birthday has added one more year to your life but also to our friendship. You are the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen. As the pomegranate carries its seeds He was from originally from Timosara, and moved to the U.S. 'Cause I don't know how to love someone else We may not deliver the translation within an hour, it might takes us 2-3 days to translate. You should say "I love you" in such a letter to make it further romantic. Hi, thank you for a fantastic site, I have learned so much being on here. Если у вас есть конкретные вопросы, вы можете написать их непосредственно на русском языке, и вы получите ответ на русском языке. This blog is part of the Amazon Associates program, meaning that we will get a small commission for products you purchase by following our links to Amazon.com. un cantec cechi, ci crao som rasarit I have searched for you my whole life. But really now, tell your loved one how much you love them daily! We wish you a happy time with the persons that matter to you (your date, loved one, soul mate, sweetheart, husband or wife). For the language course, actually we have already started some language classes that can be found here The embrace of your warm arm. You are my treasure, a source of joy that God granted to me; I wish you every good thing that life can bring. ", It sounds like a well thought and chosen sentence. Lay dreaming of tales untold В будущем мы переведем весь сайт на русский язык, а но это займет некоторое время. In cer înalt de noapte te-am închis. With a bit of practice you'll be able to say it. PS : I Love You, Cecelia Ahern, Françoise Du Sorbier, J'ai Lu. (you can address both a man and a woman like this), Titanic, it's a love story with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet (you can address both a man and a woman like this), La Titanic, e o poveste de dragoste cu Leonardo dicaprio și Kate Winslet, Sorry, I'm busy (only a man can reply like this), I can't today, but I'm free next week (only a woman can reply like this), Nu pot azi, dar săptămâna viitoare sunt liberă, I can't today, but I'm free next week (only a man can reply like this), Nu pot azi, dar săptămâna viitoare sunt liber, I can't, I have a boyfriend (only a woman can reply like this). Please hold me and let me cry, I have crossed oceans of time for you. The easiest way is to bold the stressed vowel, as it is done on this page:in Pot (means Can [I]) the stressed vowel is "o" this is way the "o" is bolded. Is "La mulți ani, petala mea" translating to 'Happy birthday my petal"? And pain should be my only relief, Copied! I am astonished how much love she has, upright, sincere and simple.... We have met now about 2 months ago. I love this site. I carry you in me mysteriously as a dream, 103 Free Example Love-You Letters Love-you letters are appropriate when feelings are mutual or relationships are well established Choose a topic to view love-you letter templates: Dragostea si prietenia ta vor rezista, We've had so many happy years, "Hai să îmbătrânim împreună și să ne stingem în același timp", I adapted it by translating "die" by "stingem" which is more precisely translated as "fade away". Ar fi minunat daca ati traduce sit-ul si in rusa. I can’t believe I get to spend another birthday with the most special person in my life. Bună dimineața!Nimic nu e mai frumos decât să mă trezesc cu tine în gând. Do You Need a Negative Covid Test to Enter Romania (or Proof of Vaccination). (you can address both a man and a woman like this), Do you want to go (out) for a glass of wine one evening? Thank you very much... your help is very much appreciated. Don't let your heart hold any tears La multi ani si tot ce iti doresti tu mai mult! I carry you on my lips as a full honey comb, "We will miss you!" Another love song that we enjoy listening over and over is the next one: If you need to know the translation and the pronunciation of more phrases than the ones above, don't forget that you can always log-in with your facebook account and post a comment directly in any page on our website. Ideas? In this article, we'll look at the most common ways of saying “I love you” in Korean and how the expression is used in practice. The word LOVE does not form a valid Roman numeral. As the flower carries the apricot fruit, This website is starting to be translated in German. On vous dit tout sur le nouveau roman de Cecelia Ahern, édité aux éditions Milady. Leah Lee July 1, 2020. I carry you in my mind as a holly anthem, The English-Romanian translation of "There is a light that never goes out" is: I'm also happy to hear that this lesson and hopefully the other Romanian lessons on this website are actually being used and useful to the persons that need it. I'm very happy to hear that you found a Romanian girl that you like. Learning to say “I love you” in Korean is actually quite simple, but because of the way the phrase can be used in many different contexts, learning its direct translation is not enough. I will go with your fade away suggestion. Gender in Latin is very important for context. (old URL removed , not available anymore) Hi, I'm pleased to hear that I could help in the past, and I'll continue to help in the future. Here is the Romanian translation(slightly adapted), just replace XXX with your name. Descoperă misterele din aripile tale They wonder what to say. I will be the gentle autumn rain. You can enjoy this song, called "Te iubesc" (I love you in Romanian) as well together with the written Romanian transcription. What would you say to a hot Romanian woman or man: You look gorgeous, You are beautiful (you can address a woman like this, for a man see below), You are handsome (you can address a man like this, for a woman see above), You're very attractive (you can address a woman like this), You're my other half (addressing a woman or a man), Will you marry me? Living in Romania as a Foreigner: What Is It Like? Te iubesc esti singura din lume I love You, You're the only one in the world I know and have used Noapte bună, vise placute, but are there other nice, romantic sayings / ways of wishing someone a good morning / good night in Romanian that you would recommend? I love your laugh – the way your beautiful blue eyes light with joy. The translation of "love yourself" from English to Romanian is: Hello, I have a girlfriend that lives in Bucuresti and this is the only site that I have found where everything written actually makes sense to her...she says Google translate is basically useless. I will be the wind beneath your hair, Would you like to go to a restaurant one evening? Thanks for the help your site has already given me. It took me some time, but I managed to write this article. i am so look forward to being able to tell her I understand, thank you a lot. Romantic letter writing tips Expressing love is always not an easy task, especially when you are a shy person. But since it was something that the girl wanted to say, I decided to share it with you if you want to go the extra mile. It is celebrated on February 24th each year and apart from chocolates and flowers, there’s an interesting belief related to this celebration of love: it is said that the person to first step on their partner’s foot will have the dominant role in the relationship. Hi Fay, Când te văd pe străzile alea, The translation is perfect, exactly what i was hoping for. You will be sad, I understand, /aʲ vre̯a sə 'mer.d͡ʒem la o plim'ba.re ɨn park 'sɨm.bə.tə/, /vrej sə je'ʃim la un pa'har de vin 'ɨn.tro 'se̯a.rə/, /t͡sjar plə't͡ʃe̯a sə 'mer.d͡ʒem la res.ta.u'rant 'ɨn.tro 'se̯a.rə/, /aʲ vre̯a sə lu'əm 'prɨn.zul ɨm.pre'u.nə səp.tə'mɨ.na 'as.ta/, /pot͡sʲ səmʲ daj te rog 'nu.mə.rul təw de te.le'fon/, /aʲ vre̯a sə 'mer.d͡ʒem la film wi.cen.dul 'əs.ta/, /la ti'ta.nik | je o po'ves.te de 'dra.gos.te ku le.o'nar.do di'ka.pri.o ʃi keɪt wɪnslɪt/, /nu pot azʲ | dar səp.tə'mɨ.na vi.i'to̯a.re sunt 'li.be.rə/, /nu pot azʲ | dar səp.tə'mɨ.na vi.i'to̯a.re sunt 'li.ber/, /aʲ vre̯a sə merd͡ʒʲ la 'mi.ne la o ka'fe̯a/. You know baby, I never wanted to be the reason a single tear runs down that hunky face. You'll find it in this lesson (with its pronunciation) in the sentence "Tu ești sufletul meu pereche" (You are my soul mate). Strânsoarea cald-a bratului tau drag. ”, Sorry.. When you awaken in the morning's hush We have a 17 year old female exchange student living with us from Moldova and her native language is Romanian. Yes, the translation can be done, but it will take a bit longer. A golden fig fruit. What about heavy boots for Dragobetele? N-o să vrei să sufăr, așa că. te port în trup îm sănii albi si grei Hi If she or he is Romanian, of course, they will definitely appreciate the gesture! How would you translate this lines? Adânc te port în trupul meu si-n vis. I would feel prouder if I could help more people and faster. Eu voi zburătăci iute spre-nălțimi. He too, was the most sincere, kind, loving man. A romantic thank you letter is written to your partner to express how grateful you are to have them in your life and thank them for everything that they have done for you so far. Dar când o să vină vremea, Please do what needs to be done, I happened to find your site when looking for a few phrases to include. I get hurt every time I hurt you. Also if at all possible can you see if these lyrics can be translated? As the flowers wear their fragrance. I know in time you too will see, It is also used by some non-European languages such as Turkish, Vietnamese, Malay language, Somali, Swahili and Tagalog. What is to come will hold no fears, This method of writing is sometimes referred to in Japanese as rōmaji (ローマ字, literally, "Roman letters"; [ɾoːma(d)ʑi] or [ɾoːmaꜜ(d)ʑi]).There are several different romanization systems. Am să păstrez ca pe o comoară, acea ultimă îmbrățișare. I just wanted to confirm this and also to know if there's a better way. Believe me, I never wanted to be the reason why you would become upset. How to Get from Bucharest to Sofia by Plane, Train, Bus & Car, Nicolae Ceausescu Facts: 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Romania’s Dictator, 5 Best Books about Romania to Learn Everything about the Country, Romanian Girls Guide: Finding True Love in Romania, Baby’s Baptism / Christening in Romania: Traditions, Gifts & More. You can use affectionate romantic sentences as a starting point or as the final letter, with your own personal touches. If you prefer to keep it private, just write me a message by using the contact form. te port in brate horote subtiri In the above lesson you have the (audio) pronunciation of "să-ți" and "te iubesc". Noapte bună, draga mea dragă=Good night, my dearest The letter isn’t about you, it’s about her. (you can address both a man and a woman like this). I dated a Romanian man almost 2 years. They cannot. You don't hear any sound? Even more, I believe that you would offer your partner an even more pleasant surprise if you knew about this traditional celebration of love – Dragobetele – and also let them know what you feel on that day. En septembre dernier, Cecilia Ahern, l'auteure du roman du même nom sur lequel était basé le film, a sorti un autre ouvrage mettant en vedette le personnage principal, Holly Kennedy. :)) I don’t really know how big of a business it is, but it certainly is big business around this time of the year – not for the Dragobete, though, which is less and less popular every year. cum poarte florile micasma lor live love and peace to all, Hi, I've loved using this site. Cute Love Letters from the heart for Boyfriend and Husband. Poţi să-mi dai te rog numărul tău de telefon? My Heart Belongs To You. Bună dimineața! I am writing a letter (in english) but would like to include a bit of Romanian. Nothing is more beautiful but waking up thinking of you The translation is: If you can be patient it can be done. Now that there is at least one (yourself), I'll gather my ideas and start writing one. Romantic love letters do not need to be always lengthy or full of ornamental words. Te iubesc cum nu vezi nici in filme I love you as you don't see in movies All the message though is well preserved. In any case I wish you all the best and that your Romanian lady will appreciate your effort and will be happy to hear you offering an engagement ring. I'm just trying to help with providing more context. "Why I Love You" Letter #1 My heart beats wildly for you. Love you. I already searched in Google Translate, and apparently to ask someone out for Valentine's is "ai fi Valentine meu?". te port in mine tainic, ca pe-un vis I know in time you too will see, ...mai mult orice pe lume more than anything in the world Here is my translation (adapted as you wanted a more poetical Romanian translation) I will be the flowers in the garden, Would you be willing to translate? “If it be I grow frail and weak, ...mai mult decat orice pe lume ...more than anything in the world Te iubesc chiar si atunci cand ma doare I love You even when it hurts are you considering a Romanian as your soul mate? I may not be there; but I never did leave. Te iubesc cu dor si nerabdare I love you with longing and impatience ca pe-o comoara-nchisa ci pecfti Oh, love I won't be strong enough Usually people appreciate it. how to meet Romanian women or men (opening lines), express your feelings (I love you in Romanian, music video).